‘Into the wonderful’, that’s the first bit of speech you hear in the intro tune and for some people (including myself) it really is ;-) Like Alien Breed, this game is a bit controversial regarding its qualities and shortcomings. The major points are that there’s no ingame music and that the scrolling is only 25 FPS, not 50 FPS. I will talk about that later and also if it really has a huge influence on the game. Gods is kind of a platform action-adventure, but it also has some shoot ’em up elements, so again a game that leaves a certain itch if you want to boil it down to just one category ;)
Let’s have a look at the intro:
A word is needed about the intro: It’s made in a minimal way, but the music fits the effects on the screen perfectly. The song by Nation XII is nothing short of brilliant and the style of the graphics used for the intro too. Yet there’s just a still picture with a scrolling text. For me it’s a lot more effective than most of the animated comic intros of other platform games.

Download: Gods_ADF.zip