Searching my favorite BBS for alternatives for the drive 1541, I’ve found a very interesting product. It is called µIEC/SD, and it is available at Retro Innovations (
Funny the fact this guy called the store “Retro”, because the device he’s selling is very advanced compared to the other hardware available in our 80’s.
The hardware is a small electronic board with a slot that accept a very tiny floppy disk called SD Card. It is like one square inch, but can hold dozens of diskettes in it. You can read a complete description about the device capabilities following the link above.
The device has cost me $1,400 dollars. It is very expensive compared to Commodore’s 1541, which they are selling for about $300, but considering its capabilities, it seems to worth it. I believe that in 30 years this thing won’t cost more than $60 dollars (I wish I will be alive in 2012 to see this coming!).
Well, let’s go down to the business. The device was sent wrapped in a anti-static plastic and bubble wrap. It was well protected, but the only two printed material in the package were the invoice and the open source license. There was no instructions on how to connect the device, or how does it work, which is very bad for beginners like me. I’ll try to write down my discoveries in this post to, maybe, help other people.
OPEN 15,10,15,"U0>"+CHR$(8):CLOSE15
OPEN 15,8,15,"XW":CLOSE15
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