Blinky’s Scary School +29D by Hackersoft
Press the following keys during game play to turn on/off the extra features:
1 = Jump one screen to the left
2 = Jump one screen to the right
3 = Jump one screen up
4 = Jump one screen down
5 = Infinite lives
6 = Infinite energy
7 = Blinky’s scary eyes!
8 = Blinky’s full ‘body’
9 = Freeze time – stops the moon turning into the sun
0 = Drop you from the left of the screen*
+ = Drop you from the centre of the screen*
– = Drop you from the right of the screen*
Q = The Game Ending!
W = Music select: Main title tune
E = Music select: Level start ditty
R = Music select: Game over ditty
T = Music select: Game ending tune
Y = Music select: Funny ending remix!
U = Music off / Sound effects back on
I = Blinky colour
O = Background colour
P = Freeze all baddies on screen
A = Change into underwater Blinky and swim in water
S = Change back to normal Blinky
D = Turn on the lights – press this and go off and then back on to a dark screen
F = Fly up from the cauldron – stand on the cauldron and press this!
G = All tasks complete. Stand above the bed and press this!
H = High jump!
J = Normal jump
* Just in case you get stuck in the walls, use this feature