Everyone's a Wally +19D

Everyone’s a Wally +19D by Hackersoft

Press the following keys during game play to turn on/off the extra features: 

Q = Infinite endurance 
W = Become Wilma 
E = Become Tom 
R = Become Dick 
T = Become Harry 
Y = Become Wally 
U = Start game ending sequence 
P = Any character colour 
A = Autopilot ON 
S = Autopilot OFF 
D = Baby Herbert freeze! 
F = Unfreeze Baby Herbert 
G = Asteroids?! 
H = Fish Chasing! 
Z = Colour of border 
X = Teleport to left of screen 
C = Teleport to right of screen 
V = Back one screen/location* 
B = Forward one screen/location* 

*Only works when you are Wally. And try not to be too trigger happy ;-)

Source: www.hackersoft.co.uk

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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