Fearless Fred +23D by Hackersoft
Press the following keys during game play to turn on/off the extra features:
1 = Clear the Enemy
2 = Enemy Collision OFF
3 = Enemy Collision ON
4 = Freeze Timer
5 = Unfreeze Timer
6 = Infinite Lives ON
7 = Infinite Lives OFF
8 = Level Skip Forward
9 = Level Skip Back
0 = Game Ending!
A = Biggie Sprites
S = Ickle Sprites
D = Sprite Colour 1
F = Sprite Colour 2
G = Sprite Colour 3
H = Sprite Colour 4
J = Border Colour
K = Top Banner Colour
L = Main Screen Colour
: = Freeze Enemy
; = Unfreeze Enemy
= = Posh Spice Mode**
Z = Flat Eric Mode**
* AVOID PRESSING ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys. For some reason, these were previously programmed to go to certain levels, but actually knock the game and crazy hack features out of sequence! May be something left over from the original programmer.
** Use ‘S’ to get the sprites back to normal.
Source: www.hackersoft.co.uk