As you may remember a while back we announced that we now have 79 Issues of Amiga Format magazine in pdf format available to download on Commodore is Awesome.
Well we have some good news for you all. We have found another issue to add to the collection, which is Issue number 129. We would also like to thank Peter from EAB who has also put time and money into acquiring the following real magazine issues in excellent condition.
25, 61, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and Amiga Format Special no.5
These will still need to be scanned of course (DemonHellraiser and DonAmiga have volunteered to do the scanning so far) but its another huge step to an absolute complete Amiga Format Magazine collection hosted on Commodore is Awesome. Even currently we have the most complete collection on the internet.
Now your probably thinking how can we say it’s a complete collection without the floppy disks, special editions/extra’s and cover cd’s that we’re included with the later issues?
Well not to worry we are working hard on those as well, and these will be added on new pages we will be creating. We will also be using a trusty Kryoflux to grab adf images of any of the disks we can’t find online.
Even though we are hard on the case we always need help, we don’t have many staff members on CIA and any outside help is always appreciated. If anyone wishes to join in on the hunt for magazines and disks we are searching for, please feel free to contact us. If you would like to donate (any amount big or small) to help with magazine postage costs or costs for new imaging hardware, we have a donation button at the bottom right of the page. All donations will be sent forward to the people who are putting their own money into the project.
Amiga Format Missing Issues Thread
Amiga Format Missing Coverdisks Thread
ST/Amiga Format Missing Magazines/Coverdisk Thread