Latest releases over at CSDb are as follows:
I Was Born in 1969, Demolicious (Party Version), Dum Ikea 92%, Monophono, JSL Logo ’93, Revolved, No Shit!, Alpha Bitch, Releif, Vrooom, Metrograd Station (part 2), Fumisugium, Tjärn, Crossing the Chinese Border, Too Old to Ror and Rol, Flickerless flickor, Deuce, I will show that stupid bunny, Dansa in, What is the Matrix, Fågel, Manifold 28A, Air on a Rasterline, C-Rash, Safe VSP, From Votze with Love, Dead Zone, Veggiestorm, Truckstop Tanzen, Tappaja Hai, Ylentry2013, Ziili2013fin, Royal Farte, Taste, Votefucker, Pelastaja, Dante’s Department Store, Trainwreck, Legacy, Videogamer, Melonade, Random Waltz, My Personal Storm, St. Joaquin and Hypnosnail.