Three new Psytronik releases available

2013 has got off to a fantastic start for Psytronik and there are already THREE new releases available to order! To celebrate the imminent arrival of FIVE classic Jon Wells C64 games on the iPhone / iPad c64 emulator, they have bundled them together on a special disk-only release that you can play on a real C64. The Jon Wells C64 Classix Vol. 1 package features Sceptre of Baghdad, Blitz 2000, the enhanced version of Shaolin – which features improved controls and new end sequence, Blitz 3000 and the special edition version of Escape from Arth.

jon_budgetCount your fingers (+ thumb) on one hand – that’s how many games you get in this bad-boy!

You can also now pick up the latest Psytronik / RGCD joint release – Assembloids, which is a superb C64 conversion of the PC flash game Quartet. Assembloids is now available as a tape-only release from Psytronik and on cartridge from RGCD.
assem_tape_smSome assembly may be required …

And last but not least, Guns ‘n’ Ghosts, the latest C64 game from the dynamic duo Georg ‘Joe Gunn’ Rottensteiner and Trev ‘Soulless’ Storey is in the final stages of production and can be pre-ordered on tape and disk from the Binary Zone RetroStore:-
guns_promo_smCan guns actually kill ghosts? They can in this game, apparently!


Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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