The SEUCK compo would not be a SEUCK compo without the likes of Alf Yngve. Yep, the master of SEUCK has come back with another entry for the compo. Is it a space shoot ’em up, is it a COPS inspired game? No. This time it’s a game inspired by the US Gold classic called ‘Spy Hunter‘. Alf has been working hard in making a neat SEUCK version of a classic, and yet again. A unique concept has been added to the game – where TWO players work as a team. One by car, and also one by air. An assassin has been arrested by Swiss Police, with thanks to your clever spy esponiage tactics. Unfortunately though, just as you set off back to drive to your top secret underground HQ in Northern England. A series of enemy vehicles take to the roads and also assassin helicopters take to the skies. You find yourself to be in yet another esponiage thriller. Can you get yourself out to freedom?