Huenison Demo Available! (PC/AmigaOS 4)

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After what seems like an eternity in development, Retream‘s intense dot-matrix colour-matching puzzle-shmup hybrid Huenison is finally complete and just about ready to launch! You may recall RGCD’s previous enthusiastic preview and update, but now you can finally descend into the mind control wells yourself and experience the game in the form of a short 5 level demo available from the Retream website.

Huenison has been developed specifically for PC and AmigaOS 4, but on the systems RGCD tested the game also ran flawlessly through WINE on both MacOS and Linux. With the full version of the game due for release via RGCD’s online shop in two weeks time, the demo features 4 of the 9 game modes, 5 out of 25 levels, less bricks, bonuses, disturbances and music, no interludes, no ending and no online high score submission. In short, you get about a fifth of the full game for free, just enough to give a taster of the retro-gaming chaos to follow!

Download the demo here (from the Huenison website).


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