Latest releases over at CSDb are as follows:
Poolgirl, Unused Character Set 2013, Greychar, WEC’s 2×2 Charset, Japan Font 2×2, Delysid Font “Rune”, Futoric (Mini-)Font, 1×2 font1, 2×2 font1, 2x2weed, The East, 1×3 font1, 25 Years Cascade, Mc small, Joels Intro, Eastie Boys, Last Space Ship, VSP Lab V1.1, Delysid Font “Mirror”, The Quick Brown Box, Musicals3, Plain Simple 2×2, 2X2 Big White Font, Xnx-Compofont, Delysid Font “Emerald”, Tadam.Tadam. Tadamtadamtadamtadam…, 3×3 charzet, Keyboard IO Routine, Carved Font, Tiny Readable – 6×6 pixels!, 2x2reed, NOP, Trueman Font, Dorm Font and More Petscii Part 3.
Source: CSDb