FS-UAE Game Center

What is it?

It’s a fullscreen game browser which uses FS-UAE to actually play the games, and it provides auto-configuration of games via the oagd.net game database. Game covers and screenshots are automatically downloaded. This is what it looks like:

fs-game-center-screenshotFS-UAE Game Center is included with the latest development releases (http://fs-uae.net/download-devel).

It isn’t fully self-contained yet – it requires you to use FS-UAE Launcher at least initially to set up the game database and scan your system for game files. When you see discovered games pop up in FS-UAE Launcher, you can shut down FS-UAE Launcher and start FS-UAE Game Center instead – and the same games will be available there :)

The user interface is controllable by both keyboard and joysticks/gamepads – much like the FS-UAE onscreen menu. It is also designed to have a look-and feel similar to FS-UAE. When working optimally, FS-UAE Game Center will transition to FS-UAE and back smoothly (in some desktop environments), and if you did not know any better, you’d think it was all just one single program. FS-UAE Game Center was obviously designed as a “ten foot interface”, but may very well use it on your desktop computer too if you prefer.

Save games, save states and other files are stored in the same location as used by FS-UAE Launcher, so you should be able to switch between using FS-UAE Launcher and FS-UAE Game Center without problems.

However – this is “alpha-quality” software. It will most likely work for you, but there are some rough edges, some missing features, and in worst case, it won’t work properly for you yet.

Here are some known problems or issues:

– When more than one game variant is available for a game, you are not able to select which variant to launch (and you don’t get to see which is selected either). But the chosen variant is the same as the preferred variant in FS-UAE Launcher – that is – the highest rated game variant or your starred one.

– The input device selection screen is not pretty yet.

– Type-ahead search is currently deactivated. Browsing thousands of games when you have a keyboard available is thus unnecessarily inefficient.

– Filtering features such as filtering by tag, year, publisher, etc are currently deactivated.

– On some desktop environments, there may still be some slight flickering when starting / exiting FS-UAE. Not really a bug as such, but not as elegant as when it switches seamlessly.

– FS-UAE Game Center does not pick up your global preferences from FS-UAE Launcher yet.

– The code is quite messy, so don’t look at it unless you have a good reason :)  The code has gone through several prototypes over several years, and is in need of a good cleanup. The most important thing is of course that it works, not how it looks.

– There are some issues with window focus and/or desktop panels covering FS-UAE Game Center partially when running under Gnome 3.

Getting Started

To get started, you should first set up FS-UAE Launcher to work with the online game database. See http://oagd.net/fs-uae-launcher for how to activate this. The get a smoother in-game-center experience, you can pre-download most covers and screenshots from oagd.net from here: http://oagd.net/download, though images are downloaded on demand if necessary. As a bonus, the image download pack will be used by FS-UAE Launcher as well!

FS-UAE Game Center should work on all operating systems where FS-UAE runs (more or less). I currently provide pre-built packages for Windows, Mac OS X and Ubuntu.

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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