In that update we were told that control, jumping and basic collision detection had been implemented, but very little else.
Due to various work and family commitments from the Remainder team we’ve heard very little since then. That was until earlier this evening when the following message appeared on their Facebook Group.
I have been rather quiet of late, due to a combination of nice weather (so trips to the pub have been frequent) and clearing off on holiday recently. Now I am all back and settled, however, work has now resumed!
Tonight I have started work on implementing some enemies in the game. There won’t be loads as the challenge will be more in the platforms and puzzles but it’s still a tricky and involving part of the game to get working.
Pics and so on in a few days (I hope!).”
We’re not recommend you hold your breath until the next update, but if/when I hear anything further I’ll be sure to post details on the blog.
Source: Amiga Gamer