WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. The following installers have been added until 30.03.2014.
- 2014-03-30 new: Robbeary (Anco) done by StingRay (Info)
- 2014-03-30 improved: Rock Star (Infomedia) supports original version (Info)
- 2014-03-28 new: Dance Trance 2 (Interactive) done by StingRay (Info,Image)
- 2014-03-27 improved: SWIV (Sales Curve) CD³² joypad supported and more (Info)
- 2014-03-27 new: Croak (Selwyn Stevens) done by StingRay (Info,Image)
- 2014-03-26 new: The Scene 4 (Prophecy) done by Dr Cinicus (Info,Image)
Source: http://www.whdload.de