– Selected chipset extra didn’t match what dialog box shows (b2). This broke many configs..
– CD32 FMV 16-bit display mode support.
– A590/A2091, A3000, A4000T and A4091 SCSI was not initialized unless at least one device was connected (b1).
– Added Picasso IV flash rom v7.4 image to rom scanner. It does not need to be called picasso_iv_flash.rom anymore.
– Added Blizzard 1230-IV and 1240/1260 Boot ROMs to rom scanner. (Coming soon Blizzard 1230/40/60 unique memory layout and maprom emulation. It can be useful for developers and for testing without real board. This was supposed to be implemented in this beta but chipset extra bug required quick update)
– .bin extension added to ROM scanner.
Download: winuae_2820b3.zip
Previous beta: winuae_2820b2.zip, Info.
Source: http://www.winuae.net