Latest releases over at CSDb are as follows:
Another day, another PETSCII, CITY01, Call Home, Clawfinger (test-tune), Player Exhibition, Cold Shoulder., Goyl vs Longy., Source-Konverter V1.1, Sampler V2.0, Romuzak-Player 2, Playfield-Editor V1.2, Graphics-Ripper 1.0, FLInterlazer V1.0, Final Font Artist V2.0, Multi-Graphics-Displayer, Bob-Getter V1.0, AMICA-Paint Crashsaver, 3×3 Block-Matrix-Creator, MechaPanda From Outah Spees, Oh no! More Invaders, Beyond the Night Run +3H, Nucular, Perseids, Space Traveller “00101010”, The Black Hole…, Bedtime, DirMaster V3.0.0, Arsenic ‘COOL’, Death of Death (nuvie), Reset #04 intro, Reset #04, Donkey Dick Came To Virgin Place, Model 1986, Wrath Designs Logo “Three Gates of Wisdom”, Shine ‘BEAST’, Colfade doc, Eelona Preview +2, SZ.
Source: CSDb