Apple ][ Development on OS X

blondihackQuinn Dunki published on her blog an interesting article teaching how to create an Apple II development environment on Mac OSX. Her main objective was to create a “one-click” build pipeline using XCode:

I put together this pipeline for developing Apple ][ software within Xcode, and suddenly got a lot of interest in it from the Apple ][ community. That’s always a sign that it’s time for a BlondiHacks post, so here we go. Much of the work here is based on Carrington Vanston’s process, which he demonstrated at KansasFest 2014. So, I’m standing on the shoulders of (bald) giants here.

Follow the link below to read the article.

Source: Blondihacks

Author: Paulo
Site co-founder, Slack admin, web admin and fan of tinkering with BASIC and assembly language for old machines.

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