Commodore is Awesome donates hi-def magazine scans to Internet Archive

cia_archive_orgWe’ve been working hard to upload our well-know super-high quality magazine scans to Internet Archive. Although some of the magazines are already available there, they are usually using low definition scans, so we decided that it would be great to have our scans available to more people through

The Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library with the stated mission of “universal access to all knowledge”. It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, music, moving images, and nearly three million public-domain books. Its user interface is perfect to host magazines, since it provides an excellent online viewer (no download necessary), as well as download links in different formats. The PDF is the format you should get if you want exactly the same file we used to host on our server.

Commodore is Awesome magazines page didn’t change, providing the same interface as before. The only difference is that, instead of clicking the magazine link to download the file, you will be redirected to page hosting the selected magazine. Besides the benefit achieved sharing the information with a broader audience, we also alleviate our server bandwidth usage which will give our visitors faster access to our pages and less to none downtime.

If you notice a broken link or something wrong, please contact us and we will be happy to address the issue as soon as possible

Magazines Link:

Author: Paulo Garcia

2 thoughts on “Commodore is Awesome donates hi-def magazine scans to Internet Archive

  1. Hey voxel, that is being going for more than a month on and off. We had to create a python script to generate the identifier and upload the magazines in batches, otherwise it would take years to upload one by one manually :)



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