New 2600 homebrew games are now available in AtariAge store, including a Flappy Birds “homage”. Like its iOS brethren, Flappy is a fairly simple game. Pressing the joystick button causes your avian friend to flap, and the more you flap, the higher you climb. Your primary goal (and, really, your only goal) is to line up your bird so it passes through the oncoming pipes.
Among the new releases, there are also Piñata, a collection of five challenging games packed into a 32K cartridge, and Omicron, an action game where you are on board of the Omicron – a microscopic vessel designed specifically to counter the alien virus and stop it from spreading (which reminds Fantastic Voyage’s plot).
All the games are available as old school cartridges, and they can be purchased directly from AtariAge store, but following the second link below, you can read all about the game, including links to download it and also source code!
Link: AtariAge
Link: AtariAge Flappy Forum Thread