MEGA65 – Further details and hardware specifications

mega 65
We’ve talked to Detlef Hastik, from M.E.G.A and he has provided us further details about the MEGA65.

First he confirmed that, even being all open source, they will make available a fully assembled version for purchase. Planned to be ready around March next year, there is no price set yet, but he says that it will be the cheapest possible, to encourage the community growth. Besides the housing we see in the pictures, there is also plans for a laptop version in the future.

As for specs, it is powered by a 48MHz single-core CPU, with 128KB RAM and 32KB Colour RAM. The VIC-IV video controller supports all VIC-II video modes and VIC-III modes. There are three graphic modes: 320×200 bi-colour, 160×200 4-colour and 1920×1200 256 colour using full-colour character mode. There are also a separate 256-colour palettes for sprites, bitplanes and character graphics.

The machine will have a Micro-SD slot and it will support .D81 image files (.D64 is promised soon) as well as real floppy unit. It has also 2 joystick ports, VGA, Ethernet port (!!!), mono audio (stereo in development) and USB.

We are already super excited about what we can do with such a beast, but we cannot avoid to be worried if it will ever reach the market. Gladly, the current development state is very advanced; the developers already have the machine fully operational, but there is much more left to do until it is ready to sit on our desks!

Link: MEGA65

Author: Paulo Garcia

4 thoughts on “MEGA65 – Further details and hardware specifications

  1. I want to buy a couple of these. Really can’t wait.

    The FDD .. I view this as absolutely essential. More-so than the SD card ..which is also handy, but not essential. Well done guys! Seriously, can’t wait to hand over the cash and get one :) Please please please don’t let this project die!

  2. I assume the computer games would be distributed on 3.5 inch disks. Would I buy them in computer stores or on the internet? Where would I buy English games (either North American or British)? Is the MEGA65 a PAL computer? If so, where would I get an NTSC version? Does it use a special plug that only works in Europe? If so, could I buy a North American plug or adapter? Thank you for your time.

    1. Hey Marlon, the mega65 has a forum ( where more detailed information can be obtained, but here is what I think (not official answers :) ). The 3.5 floppy drive is more a way to represent to-the-letter what a C64 successor would be but the MEGA65 also supports ethernet and SD cards, so these would be better ways to get software into the machine. The games and software are going to be produced by anyone interested so the language and availability of them will depend on each developer own plan.

      I am not sure what is the power requirements but modern machines should work everywhere in the world, and usually, the manufacturer provides options for the outlet model.

      Same for PAL/NTSC. This is an FPGA-based computer so the hardware is highly configurable so this shouldn’t be a problem and the machine will likely work with both clocks.

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