Over 20 years after their sensational Brubaker, Sebastian Broghammer and Steve Kups celebrate their triumphant comeback on the Commodore 64 in cooperation with Out of Order Softworks and Protovision. Heroes & Cowards – The Pentagram of Power is the adventure maniacs’ long lost and eagerly anticipated magnum opus and will be released on time for Gamescom 2015.Steve Kups’ and Sebastian Borghammer’s latest adventure will draw you into a far-away world, possessed by evil forces. Only you, the Chosen One, can get the situation under control – and you must, as this is the only way for you to return home into your own world. Of course nobody asked you whether you wanted to be anybody’s saviour in the first place!
News Source: http://www.protovision-online.de, Volker Rust
Website: http://www.out-of-order.info