It was announced today on World of Spectrum that the ZX Dev’2015, a competition to write new Spectrum games. The compo is open to anyone from anywhere to participate, and according to the organizers, the main goal is to have some fun, learn, and why not, get a little reward for bringing new stuff for our Spectrums!
Ivanzx, from WoS Forum, said that “this compo is heavily inspired by the MSX DEV, a compo which has been running for several years already, and where great games have come out for the MSX computer.”
He is completely right. The MSX DEV compo has brought so many professional-made games over the years, and hopefully the ZX Spectrum developers out there will be able to keep up with the standards.
To make it more attractive, the organizers are trying to get donations in order to offer a money prize to the winners.
Here are some of the rules (detailed information can be obtained following the link below):
- Any game which can run in any model of ZX Spectrum (16K, 48K and 128K (including +2A, +2 and +3) ) can participate in the compo.
- The game can be written using any of the tools/languages, no restrictions on this.
- The game must be a new creation, not published/released before, nor a modification of an existing one.
- To participate, the game must be registered in the ZX DEV´2015 forums, before the end of the compo itself.
- Deadline will be the 15th March 2016.
Link: Compo Rules
Link: Main Compo Forum