New A1200 Computer Housing Project – Are You Ready For the Awesome? – Kickstarter Now Live!

11695816_1111431088885563_3380695161440082267_nAs we reported a week ago, Philippe Lang’s Kickstarter campaign to create new housing for the Amiga 1200 has started.

Philippe Lang is here to save the day!, No more will you need to worry about yellowing ageing cracked broken cases. This is the Ami Kickstarter of ALL Kickstarters!
53007ae184e7d4549416af00fbcb7cad_originalSo let’s take that in a bit. These are not old molds from Commodore, these are brand new molds created from scratch with todays technology and that means better quality and precision molding. These will be as good as the original, in fact they are more likely to be better!
What you must realise although the original Commodore cases are good, Commodore like every company at the end of the day, were out to make money selling their products, so their cases were mass produced. I have had many Amiga’s over the years and noticed that the cases on original Amiga 1200’s were not of the highest quality, in fact the cases made for the Escom A1200’s were really poor quality. This Kickstarter surely is the solution!


So it looks like Philippe has thought about modding options too, this is is great news, I’m sure like me, you are always tinkering with your Amiga’s internals, upgrading cards, memory, or maybe adding something like a Gotek Floppy Drive or a SD HxC Floppy Emulator Display.

Let’ see what options are available..
modsWell that all looks simple awesome doesn’t it! You may have noticed by now that Philippe has a love for the Amiga going back to his early childhood and he’s not just a business man. This is nothing like that recent Commodore Mobile phone malarkey!

Check his write up on the Kickstarter page and you will see that he is a true Amigan and still owns an Amiga to this day, and is purely doing this project for the love of the Amiga Community. You asked and he listened, and now the reality of superb new Amiga 1200 cases is in your hands, Only you guys can make this happen!

So now your thinking what colours are available? well I was very surprised and happy to see such a big colour choice! Check the picture below. Purple and transparent are available too, more info on the Kickstarter Page.coloursThe basic pledge value is €79 or more, which will secure you one complete A1200 housing set. There are also good deals for more than one case, in case you have more than one machine in need of new clothes!

receiveThere’s more? Check out ‘The Pledges’classiclimitedAbove you can also see three Limited Edition Colours, Bronze, Silver & Gold!
These casings contains a Metal Frame with a serial number engraved as well as a Kickstarter Project Name! 

Seriously, Can it get any better than this? Am I dreaming? :)

There’s also Stretch Goals too, 135K will unlock all case colours, 145K will unlock New A1200 Keyboards and Coloured Key Caps!

When I first heard about this Kickstarter I really didn’t realise how much would actually be on offer here, it really is a Retrogamers Dream! The Kickstarter started today and already it has reached 64 backers with €9,732 pledged of the €125,000 goal! Fantastic!
But of course there is still a long way to go, this is where you guys come in, head over to the Kickstarter page link (link at the bottom of this post) and secure your custom Amiga 1200 case NOW!

Kickstarter Page:
Official Website:

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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