Win 3 Day Pass Tickets to PLAY Margate! Arcade, Indie & Retro Gaming Show!

playmargWe have two 3 day pass tickets for PLAY Margate worth £30 each, and we are going to raffle them out in order to cover part of the costs to run your beloved website. To participate, send us £2.00 for one number using the “Donate” button on the right. Donate multiples of £2.00 to increase your chances to win!

On August 16th we will list all donors, giving each one, one or more numbers. After that we will use to draw two random numbers to select the two winners, who will receive the tickets by mail (stamp on us). Good Luck!ase Note: This is a UK England Only Competition Raffle, due to the fact we cannot guarantee tickets will arrive on time if sent overseas.
Please do not enter if you are outside of the UK.

About PLAY Margate
The UK’s favourite Arcade, Indie & Retro video gaming expo comes to the Winter Gardens, Margate from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd August 2015.

Fans of gaming are in for a real treat! PLAY is brought to you by the organisers of Play Expo and video gaming suppliers to GEEK, so will be jam packed with hundreds of games, consoles, arcades, traders, exhibitors and cool features, plus more things to be confirmed over the next few months. PLAY Margate offers the widest possible selection of the best retro games running on your favourite consoles, computers and arcade machines and combines it with a generous helping of modern gaming content to amaze and entertain gamers of all ages.

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Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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