Let’s Go! is a new upcoming work in process platformer by Morri for the Amstrad CPC.
Created using CPC BASIC 3, Morri mentions that this is a clone of the mobile game Relic Rush, and features graphics in mode 0, which are double pixelled vertically so that each pixel appears to be square, Giving the game a nice colourful, chunky retro feel.
Update Details
v1.0 – 12th July 2015 – Very early release. The player only moves left to right and has no reaction to any obstacles / ladders. Enemies do not move yet. SPACEBAR causes the player to stop. Working timer bar counts down and once reaches zero, the game is over and returns to the main menu.
v1.1 – 17th July 2015 – The player now jumps when passing over a “Jump arrow”. Have attempted to add a sound effect but currently there is a delay.
v2.0 – 25th July 2015 – Player can now climb ladders. Block enemies now move. No player / enemy collision detection yet. Level completes when flag is reached and a tune is played. Removed jump sound effect.
v3.0 – 26th July 2015 – Collision detection added. Death sequence with sound effect added.
Forum Thread: http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/