Toni Wilen has released WinUAE 3.2.0 beta 9. WinUAE is currently the best Amiga emulation available to date and if used alongside Classic Workbench and WHDLoad you can achieve a really great Amiga hard drive experience like the picture above. Download from the link below and don’t forget to check all the new features in the release notes link, have fun! :)
– x86 floppy controller EOT parameter was read from wrong offset. Note that previously 1.4M floppy in 720K drive (configured in 2286+ BIOS) worked, not anymore.
– Added x86 bridgeboard 1.2M PC floppy image support.
– Added Advanced chipset option that emulates some 68040/060 board’s (for example Blizzard 1240/1260) custom register byte write “bug” where byte write to custom register does not write same value to both upper and lower byte. Previously this was always enabled if CPU type was 68060. (Writing to even address: zero written to odd address, writing to odd address: works “correctly”)
– Fixed emulation boot crash if mouse driver was enabled (b8)
– x86 IDE config didn’t load correctly. (Reset and save needed to fix it). x86 VGA also needs config reset.
Download: winuae_3200b9.7z
Release Notes: