The Guru Meditation, Amiga DIY Projects at AmiParty 21

Amiga Bill interviews AmiParty attendees about their DIY Amiga projects including an Amiga 500 FPGA board, a scan doubler for the Amiga 1200, a floppy drive emulator with LCD that allows you to load .adf files off a microSD card, a headphone amplifier specifically designed for the Amiga, and an Amiga 1000 motherboard replacement called a “GBA 1000”. Check out the video below and don’t forget to visit Bill’s Channel “The Guru Meditation” for more interesting videos about the Amiga. ;-)

[vsw id=”8jQeyvIGgnA” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
YouTube: The Guru Meditation

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