The Commodore 64 is one of the most popular personal computers of all time and has provided millions of ageing adults with great gaming memories of their youth back in the 1980s and early 90s. Retro Games Limited attempts to re-kindle those memories for us by releasing their first mass consumer product, TheC64 Mini.
TheC64 Mini is an emulator of the Commodore 64 running on a Dual-Core Cortex A20 ARM CPU. The emulator is presented in a small form replica case and utilises a polished user interface to allow the general consumer to load up and play one of the 64 pre-loaded games.
ThePackage (Backers Edition)
TheC64 Mini is professionally packaged and comes with an outer sleeve that is quite pleasing to the eye. The front of the sleeve clearly shows what is physically inside the box and that 64 games are included with the emulator. The reverse side of the box lists all the games included with TheC64 Mini with screenshots of some of the more higher profile games.
As we remove the outer sleeve, we find that the inner packaging is equally attractive but more reservedly so. You obtain a full appreciation for the level of detail with the packaging as you open the box to unveil the Mini unit and Joystick, highlighting the fact the Retro Games has gone that one extra step to present TheC64 Mini as a product of significance. Underneath the main event items, you will find a HDMI cable, a micro USB power cable (5V charger not supplied) and a quick guide booklet to get you started.
The Backers Edition of TheC64 Mini, available to all original Indiegogo and pre-order backers of the full sized TheC64, comes with 4 limited edition artwork posters put together by David Rowe, who created the artwork for several classic games such as Populous, Continental Circus and Budokan. The posters are of good quality and the artwork is quite attractive. The addition of the posters is a nice touch by Retro Games Limited and they should be credited for going the extra step to reward original backers with this gift while they patiently wait for the full-size model to be produced.
THEC64 Mini unit itself is beautifully presented in detail and is of high quality. The replica unit is about half the size of the breadbin version of the C64 and can easily be carried or held in one hand. There is no denying that TheC64 Mini can be described as looking very ‘cute’.
The keyboard on the unit is only there for aesthetics and is not functional in anyway. Those wanting a function keyboard will have to wait until Retro Games produces the full sized TheC64 (hopefully) later this year. Looking at the right side of the case we can see 2 USB ports and a power button. Along the back we have a HDMI and a Micro-USB power port.
The Joystick that comes with TheC64 Mini is set out in a replica of the iconic Competition Pro Joystick. The joystick feels sturdy in the hand with a good weight and utilises tactile switches (not micro-switches as many would have hoped). The joystick contains two fire buttons to accommodate both left and right handed gamers, along with Left and Right trigger buttons and 4 function buttons along the back, with the one on the far right acting as a menu button that brings up various options while in the main menu or in game.
TheUser Interface
Switching on TheC64 Mini, the system boots into a nice-looking home menu that allows you to scroll through the list of 64 games on offer. As you navigate through the game carousel, you are provided with a preview image of the highlighted game, along with a brief descriptive overview of what it is about.
The ability to select one of 6 different game displays can be found within the Options Menu and provides the game with the choice Pixel Perfect, European 4:3 and North American 4:3, with all three being available in CRT mode as well.
At times, the system did freeze up on me, particularly when going in and out of the BASIC application. I would expect that this minor inconvenience will be rectified as part of a future firmware update.
TheGame Library
Your enjoyment of TheC64 Mini is going to revolve around your familiarity with the games library. The built-in game library is heavily biased towards UK based software developers from the 8-bit era such as Thalamus, Gremiln Graphics and Hewson and features classics such as Monty Mole, Bounder, Armalyte, World Games, California Games and Creatures (but to name a few).
Reactions to the game library will be subjective, and hence mixed, as we all grew up with the Commodore 64 exposed to a different collection of games. In my case, as an avid C64 fan exposed to the PAL side of C64 games, I am aware of 95% of the library on offer and I would consider the collection on offer to be strong. Yes, it would be great to have Wizball, Last Ninja and Turrican included, to name a few, and I am sure Retro Games would love to have obtained the licencing for them as well if they could, but all in all I am satisfied with what is on offer here. In saying this, I appreciate that our NTSC region friends will find the game library less palatable.
ThePlaying of Games
Selecting a game to load up and play provides instant gratification as each games takes only a few seconds before it is ready for the gamer to start the action. The simple plug ’n’ play nature of the unit means that there is no fuss in getting the best possible display on your monitor or TV screen and perhaps this is one of the systems key strengths, avoiding the need to fuss about with upscalers or high quality RGB cables to get a quality display output.
While you are in a game, pressing the menu button will result in the game options menu appearing, providing the ability to use on of the 4 save states per game or to access the virtual keyboard. The in-game menu function is also used to exit the game and return to the main user interface.
TheC64 Mini also provides access to Basic, allowing you to whip up a quick program listing just as you did as a kid back in the 80s, though I advise that you use an external keyboard for this function rather than relying on the inbuilt virtual keyboard.
The Basic application would also be used to load external roms onto TheC64 Mini so that you can play games outside of the built-in library.
TheVersatility of USB Ports
While I was putting TheC64 Mini through its paces, I was pleasantly surprised by what the unit could accommodate via its USB ports. While TheC64 Mini does not have a built in functional keyboard, a wired USB Keyboard can be utilised via one of the USB port connections. When I tried a wireless USB keyboard, I was overjoyed to confirm that it indeed it did work.
USB Joysticks can also be used with TheC64 Mini if it has at least 8 buttons. I plugged in my wired Logitech Gamepad and could play games with it on TheC64 Mini with no hassle. Unfortunately, I did not have a wireless gamepad on hand to see if that would work but given that the wireless keyboard worked then I would expect a wireless 8 button joystick to work as well.
For those who will require more than 2 USB ports, you do have the option to use a powered USB hub so that you can have a joystick, external keyboard and USB stick connected and working all at the same time
TheLimitation of the Day 1 External Launcher
It is possible to load up and play external game roms onto TheC64 Mini via a USB stick. However, this functionality is limited in the first version of the firmware that TheC64 Mini comes with upon release date.
Under the first version of the firmware, any external rom that you want to load must be in ‘.d64’ image format and must specifically be named THEC64-drive8.d64. All other files, including other ‘.d64’ files will be ignored.
With the USB stick inserted, containing your renamed rom file, launch the BASIC application and type in:
LOAD “$”,8
to see the contents of the disk image and then type in:
(where NAME is the file name you wish to load) to get the game loaded up and running.
Most single loader games will work fine with this method, though I did experience some issue with the display not quite fitting in correctly when I loaded up Galencia.
If you have up to 4 favourite single loader external games then you could utilise the available save states under BASIC to have these games ready to play without fussing around with the USB stick.
The external file limitation has far greater consequences if you want to play multi-disk games. It is possible to play multiple disk games but this requires a convoluted process involving save states, exiting games, removing the USB stick and inserting it into a PC to rename the B side image to THEC64-drive8.d64 and then reinserting the USB back into the Mini and then loading up the game again to restore the save state, well I am sure you get the picture…it is far from convenient.
Retro Games Limited has expressly stated that they will be looking to provide a firmware update that will include an advanced game launcher that will accommodate the ability to read an ‘.d64’ image along with multi-disk support very soon.
If you are a hard-core C64 hardware fanatic or someone who does not appreciate the charm of the replica product over a retropie equivalent or perhaps the lack of a built-in functional keyboard is a deal breaker then this is not a product for you. For everyone else, whether it be someone who has left the gaming scene for the past 20 odd years to only be drawn back in by the great childhood memories of playing on a C64 on an easy to use system or a retro gaming fanatic who recognises that versatile emulated gaming systems have their place in our homes alongside our aging PC/consoles then it is difficult to dismiss TheC64 Mini. If, or when, the external game launcher issue can be rectified then I think Retro Games can confidently claim that they have a very compelling solution to satisfy the needs of today’s typical C64 gamer. It’s up to you Retro Games, let’s have the advanced launcher delivered soon.
[vsw id=”whBocX6dYvc” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
If the launcher update isn’t forthcoming I fear many will sell and sales will plummet , fingers crossed all will be well as I have quite a few TAP files to use.
I can see why purists have an issue with accepting TheC64, but I think there certainly is a market out there for casual Retro Gamers who just want to play C64 games easy. In my opinion it was never meant to be a replacement and this needs to be recognised.
>it was never meant to be a replacement and this needs to be recognised.
Ya I think you’d have to be crazy to think that. Same goes for all the other replica consoles or whatever you call them exactly, for the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc.
The C64 is (in contrary to the NES, etc) a home *computer* and not a console – just put out a “mini” version (as done with the NES) won’t work with the C64 IMHO – a functional keyboard is a must. And the option to plug *any* USB joystick (and yes, 9pin would be great for us oldschoolers, but really not needed for the casuals) is a must, too – whereas everyone had the same NES controllers, not every one had a competition pro joystick. Speaking about games: while the game list of an NES compared to the C64 is rather small, it is easier to preselect the top games to include with the mini console – as a UK resident you’d recognize 95% of the c64 mini games whereas the US 8bit-guy merely got 30%: the option to load “custom disks” (and not just one “ROM” at a time) is a must, too (and not a “we do that later on”) to be successful.
Of course I’d see myself as a hardcore c64 fan,but I think with those three main issues (keyboard, joystick, custom disks) this device isn’t even a good choice for the *casual* retro gamer – those will get bored very soon with the games included – better stick to an c64 emulator on your PC: you’ll have a functional keyboard, a working screen (sorry old NTSC-tv guys with the pal c64mini ;-), plug and play with any USB joystick, and loads of games available. Situation may change with the fully functional keyboard model (and hopefully a sd slot to free the two usb ports for *two* usb joysticks – gaming is more fun when done with others). We’ll see.
I agree with Dennis. I would like to mention that IF they wanted to make a C64 mini like the NES and SNES minis, then they should have used the console version, it was called the Commodore 64 Games system and it was a C64 in another shell that did not have a keyboard. Putting it in a replica case with a fake keyboard is a great insult to me as a hardcore c64 fan and I personally consider it to be blasphemy. I would never buy this, no matter how cheap it got.
It’s a really cool gadget. But for us who want perfect emulation, we want the exact frame rate to that of the real machine (50.12Hz on PAL). Jerky scrolling and sprite movement takes away all the fun. So what gives, does it manage to output the real video frequency?
I can with some tweaking of my graphics card get *PERFECT* emulation with VICE on my HTPC. And with a KeyRahV2 I can take one of my (non-functional) c64’s and make a usb keyboard out of it.
People, there are literally MILLIONS of people out there that played games on the C64 (and only ever games) and there are waaaaay fewer than enough remaining C64s to satisfy nostalgia. I have two breadbins, and a C64DTV and you can’t have any of them.
When the DTV was released (same concept as this, except more hackable) it sold out very quickly and now sells for crazy prices on ebay, when you can find it.
Let these people make some money and maybe come out with something that will satisfy more than just the nostalgia gamers. Let’s see what they can do, they did get the thing out the door.
BTW Thomas, an “insult” and “blasphemy”… seriously??? You do realize that Ol’ Jack Tramiel made the C64 and 1541 to be as dirt cheap and cut corner as was physically possible… actually more cut corner than he should have. Relax, no one is making you buy this thing.