The awesome Retro Hour podcast, on its episode 190, featured a very long chat with Randy Linden, a seasoned developer who is responsible, among other things, to bring Dragon’s Lair to the Amiga, DOOM to the NES and also the creator of Bleem!, a PlayStation emulator for PC. I’ve found Randy so interesting to listen to, and his contribution to the video-game industry so important that I thought we should have the interview transcripted so it could be also available in writing.
With the permission of Retro Hour, I went down this rabbit hole and after many hours of hard work, I managed to transcript the hour-long interview, which we are publishing in two parts.
The first part, posted here, covers the beginning of Randy’s career including the work to port Dragon’s Lair to the Amiga and the development of Doom for the NES, among many other interesting facts. The part 2 covers the Bleem! era, here.
Note: We’ve made every effort to not only transcribe the interview, but make sure the names and other citations are correct. If you find any inacuracy, please let us know and we will keep improving the text.
The Interview – Part 1
The beginnings
Retro Hour: Let’s welcome on this week’s very special guest, Randy Linden. Welcome to the retro hour!
Randy Linden: Thank you very much! It’s a pleasure to be here.
Retro Hour: Twenty years of the Dreamcast. I was just talking a moment ago that that’s insane, isn’t it?
Randy Linden: It’s amazing! I am a big fan of the Dreamcast. I think it’s unfortunate that it didn’t receive the same commercial success because the machinery itself is so powerful that I don’t think that its lifespan was long enough for developers to really start pushing the envelope… I mean… there were always innovative titles, a couple of them that you didn’t see on any other platform but it didn’t have the longevity unfortunately but I think it really deserved.
Retro Hour: Well before we get into the things that you’ve been developing over the last three decades or so let’s get into your like early days of computing and gaming I mean do you remember like your kind of earliest memory of gaming.
Randy Linden: My first experience with gaming was actually at a – they don’t have them anymore – an actual arcade. It was across the street from the junior high school that I was attending and it was in a little strip mall and you go downstairs into this dark dungeon-like room.. There were two rooms and it had, you know, Donkey Kong and Pac-man and space invaders and centipede. The sort of like the very first generation of arcade stand up machines where you literally put a single quarter into the machine and that was sort of the very first experience on arcade level.
At home I had aTI-99/4a and it was one of the first home computers and it had a handful of games and one of my favorites was called Parsec and then, of course, the Commodore 64 which had just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of high-quality games. I think the Commodore 64 was the first real big step forward as far as a mass-market computer/game system
Retro Hour: Well you started coding on a Commodore PET. How did you kind of get access to that machine and how did you start learning to code?
Randy Linden: it’s actually a good question and kind of funny. The same Junior High that I was at had a room with three Commodore PET. I want to say they were 2001 so it was a PET – Personal Electronic Transactor 2001. It had a green monitor, it was sort of like all built together. The monitor wasn’t separate and they had three of these things in there and one day somebody came in with a tape cassette because that’s how the storage worked on the machine back then. It was a regular audio tape cassettes and there was a version of Space Invaders written by Jim Butterfield and the name always stuck because he, it turns out, lived in Toronto and a couple of nights, here I am at 12 or 13 years old just cold calling this guy, Jim Butterfield, and asking a programming questions. He actually responded he was very kind and I started looking into Space Invaders and I discovered the Commodore PET had a built-in machine language monitor where you could, you know, look at memory and look at the programs and I really didn’t know very much at the time and so I said “Ok, well let’s print out to the printer this memory” which is the game of Space Invader so I could study it and, of course, it was just not like a disassembly or a source code or anything like that. It was just all the actual characters so things like line feed and so on. It was like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of just gobbledygook because it was sort of like what if you take an MS-Word file and you don’t use Word, you just literally send the file to the printer. It’s just all sorts of control characters and garbage… But that’s how I got my start. I started off with the Commodore PET, got hooked and as soon as the Commodore 64 came out my mom got me one and that sort of launched my career.
Retro Hour: So how much did it change your life getting the 64?
Randy Linden: Oh, it was amazing! The ability to have a home computer and, you know, it was basically just the size of the keyboard but, you know, maybe twice or three times the thicker allowed me to program and play around. I ended up writing a game called Bubbles which was basically a clone of Centipede, but underwater. Back then, there were no C compilers, there weren’t even assemblers if you wanted to write assembly code so you have to know all the machine language instructions and I still, to this day, know like for example hex 60 is return from subroutine and hex 20 is jumped to subroutine and all of these 6502 op-codes that you had to hand-enter when you’re programming.
So I wrote the Centipede clone and there was a company based out of Toronto, Canada. Again that’s where I grew up, called Syntax Software and I went – it was five minutes from school because I was still in High School at the time – and ringing the doorbell and said “Hi, I’m a big fan and I’ve got a program and maybe you’d be interested in taking a look at it” The guy’s name was Randy Lyons and as soon as I saw that it’s like “okay well this means the stars are aligning here because he’s got the same first name as me” and that was where my very first program was published through Syntax Software when I was 13 years old.
So that’s now about three and a half decades, 37 ish years…a long time ago. I was thrilled and I was actually also what they called a Commodore Kid and I don’t know, I don’t remember how they got my name but effectively what Commodore did to market the Commodore 64 was they sent out a fleet of young people like 12 13 at the time dressed in a suit with a Commodore logo on the pocket on the outside and we worked at department stores that were featuring the Commodore 64 and I still remember the slogan of “I adore my 64” and so I was a Commodore kid at a department store for a while sell everything…
Retro Hour: I am jealous! I wanted to be a Commodore kid!
Randy Linden: I don’t even know what happened to the blazer but we got in retrospect it probably was a little bit funny but I guess their marketing worked because the Commodore 64 became immensely popular, you know, there were thousands of programs available for it and it was a great experience to, sort of, show people a bunch of demos that Commodore had put together. It was around Christmas time and the graphics and sound and music coming out of this little tiny box and they had a special where if you bought the computer you also got the 1702 monitor and the desk, a computer desk to put all of this stuff on and, yeah the Commodore 64 really launched my career
Down to business
Retro Hour: So you founded Visionary Design Technologies in your mom’s basement. What was the kind of aims at this company?
Randy Linden: Well actually the name was picked because the initials were VDT for Video Display Terminal and I just wanted some name that sort of matched that. We were a game company – a handful of us working out of mom’s basement. We launched two titles: one of them was called Data Storm, sort of Defender on steroids, written by Søren Grønbech, a Danish guy, also a brilliant programmer who went to write Sword of Sodan on the Amiga. The second title was called Vortex, and that was done by another excellent programmer named Andy (or Anselm) Hook.
But you know, very very young just starting a company and I remember one day somebody calling and it was from a store chain and they wanted to return a certain number of units and I was sort of playing it by ear because we didn’t really have a system for tracking returns and shipments and they wanted an RMA number, a Return Merchandise Authorization which is standard for all the big software companies so that you can swap stock and whatever. I just made up a number and said “oh you are RMA number is G62594” and, of course, then later on in the month, we received a handful of Data Storm and Vortex with that particular RMA number! But we really were just a handful of guys trying to launch a game company because we all loved the machines and loved gaming.
C64 Emulator for the Amiga
Retro Hour: When the Amiga came along it seemed like a supercomputer like I’ve never seen anything like it, but the one thing is it couldn’t play Commodore 64 games. Of course, you did remedy that with that 64 emulators that you’ve made with David Foster from Digital Leisure. So how did that go down then, doing an emulator for the 64 on the Amiga?
Randy Linden: It was actually a lot more complex than it appeared at first. The 64 emulator was very well received because it made it possible for people to sort of upgrade from the 64 to the Amiga.
We also designed and manufactured literally by hand a little interface that plugged into the parallel port on the Amiga and on the other end was the standard circular connector that lets you plug in one of the Commodore 64’s 1541 or 1571 or 1581 disk drives. So you could literally connect your Commodore 64 disk drive to the Amiga, put in a Commodore 64 floppy disk, boot the emulator on the Amiga and then load that program! We were at a trade show once showing off the 64 emulator and it turns out that the president of Commodore at the time – I think it was Irving Gould but it might have still been Jack Tramiel – was touring the tradeshow because it was just a Commodore 64 and Amiga trade show only and I want to say it was something like Commodore World or something like that. The president stopped by our booth and was very impressed and he turned around to the crowd and he said about the C64 emulator: “This is exactly the kind of software that we need. We want more of this kind of software”. It was quite a kudos to hear that we were on the right track. But it was a lot of work but it was great and it sort of made the transition from Commodore 64 to Amiga.
The emulator also worked backwards for me because, at that time, the database program that I wrote, the Paperback Filer which became Pocket Filer, was still being sold by Digital Solutions and there was a bug that was discovered in it and the program was so complex that what I ended up doing was using the C64 emulator to emulate the Commodore 64, so I could debug the Paperback Filer that I had written for the Commodore 64 because I could do so with such ease so it was actually a really great way of getting really down, deep at the lowest levels of both machines. It was a great time!
Dragon’s Lair
Retro Hour: Do you remember the first time you experienced Dragon’s Lair and why was this tie it was so amazing and unique back then?
Randy Linden: I do! It was in the same arcade, across from the junior high, and it was one of the machines that had like a huge long lineup and it’s sort of like a pool table, where you put down your money because you want to play next. You would see people that had stacked up a dozen quarters to play this new game and the big difference was the quality of the graphics and, of course, we all know now that it was not so much graphics as it was cell animation where they had a fleet of people literally drawing and animating like Sunday morning cartoons and it ran off of a laserdisc. This was so early on before the typical PCs didn’t really have CD-ROM Drives even! The laserdisc player is, imagine, if you will, an old vinyl record about twice as thick, all silver-coloured. That’s sort of a Laserdisc. And the (Laserdisc) player was, of course, even bigger to play it.
But it was neat and people would stand around and watch whoever was playing as they worked their way through all the different levels because there wasn’t a lot of interactivity per se. He just had to know what direction to move the joystick or to press the sword button at the right time. There was a handful of people who could, with the one quarter, play all the way through from the beginning to the end of the game and it piqued my curiosity and I thought “Gee! this is something that would be great if there was a home computer version”.
Retro Hour: Well you guys did that, didn’t? You did the impossible by taking this laserdisc game that you mentioned that needed all that expensive care and you ported it to the Commodore Amiga on a floppy disk! How did you manage that?
Randy Linden: I actually went downtown to a couple of the arcades one day, the arcades that had Dragon’s Lair, and asked how to get ahold of the laserdisc and eventually found someone who would sell me the laserdiscs – I still have the original laserdiscs! – and then I rented from a store a laserdisc player and worked with a company called Sunrise Industries. They had just released a digitizer so it would take a composite input for video or whatever and it scanned and generated a still image on your computer.
As a side note, Sunrise Industries was the brainchild of Anthony Wood and they were actually at that same World of Commodore trade show. The products he makes now is called Roku, the video streaming devices. We got a prototype of a digitizer from him that literally made it painless to single-step show me the next frame, show me the next frame, click a button, scan it… and then we had back then what was known as amiga Interchange File Format (IFF), designed by EA. It’s sort of the equivalent of JPEG these days.
Then all of these thousands and thousands of single frames were sent to a fleet of subcontractors who were paid by the frame because you know when the digitizer digitized things, solid areas weren’t exactly solid and to improve the compression they had to go in and hand touch every single frame so that the compression was able to squeeze things down so that it finally fit onto six floppy disks and out of those six disks, which each held like 800 or 900K, the actual Dragon’s Lair code that ran the whole game was just under 8Kbytes!
Retro Hour: Wow! When you mentioned this to people, were they skeptical? And when you contacted Don Bluth, what was his reaction and how did you do a deal to make that an official ball.
Randy Linden: I was at one of these trade shows and had printed out a few coloured copies of some of these scans from different scenes and Dragon’s Lair and met with Electronic Arts. I won’t mention the name of the person because they turned down publishing Dragon’s Lair. They weren’t interested because they had dozens of games on the Commodore 64 and also on the Amiga, but I think they were just in disbelief that this would be an actual product and said: “no we’re not really interested in that”!
I’ve never actually spoken with Don Bluth or his partners. I worked with an office in Los Angeles called Sullivan Bluth Interactive Media which I found almost like by reverse engineering, searching where this laserdisc came from. The arcade owners whom I purchased the discs from told me “oh, it was manufactured by this company over here” and then I would follow up with that company and that led to another company and eventually it led to Sullivan Bluth Interactive Media. I contacted then I said I’d like to license Dragon’s Lair for a home computer version of it and they were skeptical but wide open to it and, at the time, I don’t think they realized that they were they were dealing with somebody who was, relatively speaking, young (14, 15, 16 years old) and here we are talking about a big deal to launch a major product and that’s also when the same David Foster stepped in and we worked together and it was the very first product the company he formed called ReadySoft launched.
It was quite an adventure to going from getting the disc itself originally, to the end where it was actually a program that ran on the Amiga. It was the first time that any game had ever done full screen, full-color animation, with stereo sound and it was streaming from the floppy disks. There was no other title for years that would stream media live. they were all sort of the type where you’ve got a loading screen and a loading bar and please wait for it to load. But with Dragon’s Lair, basically, it starts streaming and then it starts playing the video while it’s pulling in all the rest of the data for what’s coming up next and that was unique for its time.
Doom and the Super Nintendo

Retro Hour: Well, your skills in achieving that obviously went onto …, well I mean you got to work on some very big franchises shortly after, as well including the NES port of Home Alone! Obviously that was a big movie!
Randy Linden: It was it’s deceptively complicated both Home Alone and… I worked for both titles Home Alone and Where’s Waldo. I worked with another great programmer name was Paul Coletta’s and the technical underpinnings of those titles were actually more complex than it looked because the NES is a character-based system. What that basically means is, just like you’ve got a font these days, you had a font on the NES that you designed and it was all of the different pieces for the graphics, but I wanted a full-screen picture of the winning screen and the losing screen and so on, and there was not enough space, there were not enough font letters available to do that unless you had multiple fonts, and you wrote code that, a third of the way down the screen with what was known back then as a raster interrupts, because the video display raster hits a certain position on the screen and then your code would switch which font it was using and, of course, as I said the fonts aren’t letters, they’re all the pieces of the graphics but both Home Alone and Where’s Waldo used this technique so that we could do full-screen high resolution, well high resolution for the NES, pictures and levels and things like that. Most of them were done six to eight weeks from beginning to end for the whole project! Very very short time frame.
Retro Hour: I mean you think of the times you’ve worked on that and we mentioned before about what technical marvel porting Dragon’s Lair to the Amiga was. Afterwards, you did the seemingly impossible, when Doom came out. I mean, it needed a pretty decent PC to run Doom and I remember the only real console ports that I saw that could run Doom well was the Atari Jaguar, this kind of super high-end consoles. But you managed to get Doom running on the Super Nintendo, which I can’t even imagine how on earth you went about that.
Randy Linden: Well, thank you! I was enamoured with Doom because it was sort of like that big “wow moments” with Dragon’s Lair was “wow you’re playing a cartoon”! Well, this was “wow you’re running around in a real-world with three-dimensional graphics and elevators and platforms and monsters and network play and it was just amazing. I actually started doing research into the data formats, and around about that time, Nintendo had a developer conference and they announced the super FX and this was internally, we called it the GSU and it was a graphics support unit and it was a chip designed by Argonaut Software out of the UK by a man named Jez San.
The architecture of this chip was basically that it could be added to a Super Nintendo cartridge and then you had access to this ultra high speed (for the time) of ~21Mhz RISC machine that did some incredibly smart things. The way they designed the opcodes – the instruction set – made it incredibly fast and incredibly powerful but it also had hardware that did conversion from pixel XY coordinates on the screen into specific memory addresses so you could ignore the fact
that the Super Nintendo was character-based, like the original NES, and just say: here’s a bunch of memory that I’m going to use to display the data on the screen and I want you to plot the color red at x-coordinate 5 and y-coordinate 22 or something like that and the hardware did all the calculations necessary to figure out which font lift to modify to change the color in that particular way and it sort of struck me that there’s enough power here to do Doom because the biggest problems of throughput and speed and how to generate hi-res graphics for the Super Nintendo, at a minimum cycle time cost, were all solved by using the super FX.
Retro Hour: So you used a Star Fox cartridge to help develop that and your port was incredible! As well as having music, the full game, and you also supported modem and the superscope! What made you want to add those extra features?
Randy Linden: Yes I wanted on the box, on the outside of the box for each of those of the Super Nintendo games there were these little icons that showed: “oh this one is compatible with the Super Scope” and, for example, Doom had the special logo for the Super FX, and I wanted to have the whole box front filled with all of these different little icons (laugh), so it actually supported the Super Scope, it supported the XBand so you could play against somebody else online, it supported the Super Nintendo Mouse and, of course, it had the Super FX so it had all these little icons because I just wanted to do everything possible and fill the box up!
You’re right, I did use a Starfox cartridge. There were no development systems and very little information about the Super FX chip. Initially, if you sort of opened up a Starfox cartridge you could think “Oh, here’s the extra chip” – they called it the MARIO chip – and it was an acronym for Mathematical, Argonaut, Rotation, & Input/Output but there it sat, along with the EEPROM or ROM in that particular case and what happened was, through Sculptured Software, a hardware electrical engineer basically made a breadboard that was about the size of half a page of paper that had RAM on it and if you wrote to certain memory locations, it could trigger the RAM to replace the ROM from Starfox so, effectively, it was a custom cartridge that allowed me to do the development of the software and use the SuperFX chip because that was on the cartridge and it sort of made the Starfox game itself disappear.
Yet, I wrote a bunch of tools: an assembler, a linker and a debugger that were used on a couple of titles but that’s how I sort of got started.
Retro Hour: And the Sega Genesis needed a 32x to run games so that was definitely one at for Nintendo…
Randy Linden: Yes, it really wanted the game on the Super Nintendo to be as faithful as possible. There were different trade-offs that were made, I mean, yes the Super Nintendo has most but not all of the levels, but it did have more levels than most of the other console ports and that was largely because it wasn’t really a port. I had started writing a 3d engine after I saw Doom on the PC and then, digging into the technical information that various people online had reverse-engineered and figured out about the iD’s Doom data formats, allowed me to write a toolchain where I can say, you know, here’s here’s a set of files from the PC version of Doom, convert into the format that my engine uses and it was a much more compact, tightly compressed set of data formats and it allowed me to put in most of the levels and all of the bosses and the sound effects… Music was actually done by people at Sculptured.
It was a big project in the end, even though the cartridge was only 2 MB or something like that.
(*) Read part 2 here!