Tag: Album

Review: Reformation 2 – the new C64 remix album by Matt Gray!

After 18 months of blood, sweat, tears, not to mention late nights, Matt Gray has finally released the digital version of Reformation 2, the highly-anticipated second album containing remixes of classic Commodore 64 music. I’ve always been somewhat wary of handing money to crowd-sourced funding campaigns, but I made the exception when the Kickstarter for the original Reformation was launched…

We review SID Effects, Chris Whillock’s new C64 album!

Talk to any fan of the Commodore 64, and it won’t be long before they mention the machine’s iconic SID chip. Responsible for the soundtracks to so many of our childhoods, this 3-voice synthesizer was capable of producing some truly amazing music, all made possible thanks to the creativity of the composers and ‘SIDicians’ who used it. As huge fans…

Miloman Music Project announces new SID-themed music album!

Here at ViTNO, we’re all huge fans of the Commodore 64’s SID sound chip, so it’s always exciting to learn about new music projects making use of it’s distinct sound. This time it’s the work of Milosz Chrapek under the guise of Miloman Music Project, as he intends to release an album of electronic music that fuses retro, chip-tune melodies…

Jeroen Tel – Tel Me More (Remake Album)

Jeroen Tel​ launched his long awaited Crowdfunding Campaign on INDIEGOGO called:“Jeroen Tel – Tel Me More​” – A Commodore 64 remake album featuring at least 12 of his most memorable C64 game music soundtracks. Link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tel-me-more/x/11178183 You are invited wholeheartedly to join him on this 8-bit music journey!Your support will be more than appreciated! ♥ Please spread the word and…

Uncle Art: A Temporal Shift Kickstarter

Dave Lowe releases & remakes his classic retro-gaming music including a full orchestral recording of Frontier Elite 2 at Abbey Road. Dave Lowe AKA ‘Uncle Art’ composed, converted and programmed the music for over 70 game titles in the 80s and 90s. Some of the really big ones too such as: + Frontier Elite 2+ Starglider 1 & 2+ Carrier…

Hewson Consultants "Hint & Tips for Videogame Pioneers" album review.

The lovely peeps at Hewson gave me a chance to listen to their upcoming new album “Hints & Tips for Videogame Pioneers” which will be out at the end of this week.  This album comes from Hewson Consultants, responsible for some rather popular c64 games such as the ones included here. Have enjoyed repeat listenings of the album on and off over…

Project Sidologie – JARRE style Commodore 64 music remixes

Project Sidologie by Marcel Donné – this luxury box set evokes classic JARRE using C64 music remixes, and offers stems and samples too. See Twitter, Facebook Page for updates #Sidologie #WaitingForJarre See Kicktraq for stats, progress and to watch the projections. NEW ALBUM STRETCH GOAL ADDED: Chariots of SID, Vangelis-inspired C64 remixes by Marcel. The AMAZING flaming chariots artwork can be…

Uncle Art: Elite II Orchestral & Retrogaming Music Remakes

Dave Lowe remakes some of his most famous Amiga, Atari ST, C64, ZX Spectrum game music & records Elite Frontier themes with real orchestra. Uncle Art: Elite II Orchestral & Retrogaming Music Remakes is a new Kickstarter project started by Holly Jazz Lowe. The ProjectIn the 80s and 90s, my dad Dave Lowe who also went under the name ‘Uncle…

Rob Hubbard making a comeback album?

Rob Hubbard has created a new Facebook page called ‘Project Hubbard’.Not much other info is on the page currently, however the domain http://www.projecthubbard.com has also been created and is waiting for content to appear soon?Is it possible we are going to be lucky enough to experience a new Rob Hubbard album release? Also posted on the Facebook page on the…