Tag: NESmaker

NESFab – A fast high-level language to create NES games

There is a new kid on the block to help you create NES games without digging deep into the 6502 Assembly. NESFab is a new programming language for creating NES games. Designed with 8-bit limitations in mind, the language is more ergonomic to use than C, while also producing faster assembly code. It’s easy to get started with and has a…

NESmaker 2020 Byte-Off demos now playable online

To promote NESmaker and grow its userbase, The New 8-bit Heroes held a game development competition during the summer. The 2020 Byte-Off was a month-long game development competition where NESmaker users create brand new demos for the original Nintendo Entertainment System.  Now that the competition is over, all the game demos are now available. You can play them directly in…

Retro gaming homebrew development contests roundup – what is still going on in 2020

My only participation in game development contests happened a few years ago in the BASIC 10-liner, where I managed to a very low score – the game wasn’t that good, to be honest. Despite that, this is one of the topics that most interest me. The interest comes from reasons. One is my thinking to try again to participate in…

Attention (Retro) Nintendo Developers: NESMaker Byte-Off 2020 compo has been announced!

The New 8-bit Heroes, creators of NESMaker have announced the 2020 edition of the Byte-Off game development competition. NESMaker is an Integrated Environment for PC that allows you to create NES games even with no programming experience. For more advanced users, the tool still saves development time while being flexible enough to allow machine language code to be added to…

Diary of an NESmaker developer

1989 was a big year for me — Nintendo had taken North America by storm and just about everyone I knew had an NES console at home. It was the system that captured our imaginations — I was in grade 3 at the time, and we’d spend our recesses drawing elaborate NES levels (as seen in Nintendo Power), talking incessantly…

NESmaker Game Design Competition

NESmaker is a recently launched tool allowing you to create NES games without programming experience. The games created with NESmaker can be flashed in cartridges and played in an original NES console. To celebrate the new home brewers using the tool, the The New 8-bit Heroes have launched Byte-off!, a game designed competition. To enter the compo, the contestant has…