Tag: PC

Scene World Podcast Ep. #199 – The Doom Guy Book with John Romero

This is a huge one! We are very proud and happy to welcome the one and only John Romero – the co-creator of Doom! In this episode of our podcast he is talking about his long-awaited autobiography ‘Doom Guy: Life in First Person’. Tune in for gaming’s original rock star! The interview section starts at minute 31:17 Enjoy! listen to…

Your vintage computer / console collection speaks for you

By reading this, most likely you have a thing for vintage computing and gaming, as well as being the owner of either a small or big collection of vintage technology. But have you ever thought of why do you still keep that Gameboy in your drawer since your childhood? Why do you miss your little Speccy and can’t forgive yourself…

Space Shooter, A New Upcoming Game for Android, IOS & Web PC

North Art Games recently contacted us through Twitter to let us know about a new game they are working on simply titled “Space Shooter”. Currently in Alpha stage, as the name suggests “Space Shooter” is a Shoot’em up, and will be available for Android, IOS and Web PC. Space shooter is a pixel art adventure game currently under development, select…

RPG for the Apple II, Mac, and PC ‘Nox Archaist’ Kickstarter is LIVE!

The 6502 Workshop team is pleased to announce that the Kickstarter campaign for the boxed edition of Nox Archaist is now live! Click here to pledge! What’s better than a brand new, hand-coded 8-bit classic 80s era tile based RPG?  Answer: One that comes in an awesome collector’s edition box with lots of cool physical goodies! What’s even better than that?  When…

Afterworld by Mattias Gustavsson, An Old Dungeon Crawler Project from 2014, May See a 2018 Release!

Mattias Gustavsson recently shared some interesting News on Facebook about a game called Afterworld. Even though this is the first time I have heard about this project, after a bit of investigating, it seems that this isn’t new News at all, as Mattias started work on the project way back in 2014. The game is much inspired by an old…

Tower 57 Released for AmigaOS 4.1, MorphOS and AROS

Checking our inbox today, we received an email from Marco, announcing some lovely News that Tower 57 has been released for AmigaOS 4.1, MorphOS and AROS! Previously the game was a Kickstarter success which was also released on PC. “In a dystopian, dieselpunk world, where Megatowers are the only enclaves of civilization, a group of extraordinary individuals is sent to…

Nox Archaist Kickstarter —Only 1 week Left!—

  There is still time to join Richard Garriott and Rebecca Heineman in playing Nox Archaist and get your hands on all the awesome feelies! http://kickstarter.noxarchaist.com   “I greatly look forward to exploring this realm!” –Lord British, Creator of Ultima “I can’t wait to play this game on my Apple IIgs!” –Rebecca Heineman, Creator of Bards Tale III   Click here to back…

AmiKit X, Your Modern Retro Experience

AmiKit X, the 10th long-awaited major update to a well-known emulation package, was recently released. Originally developed as the main operating system for A.L.I.C.E. (A Laptop Incorporating Classic Experience), it is now available for the broader audience of Windows and Mac users. Besides an interesting “Rabbit Hole” feature enabling you to launch Windows or Mac applications on emulated Amiga desktop,…

Video Meanies, New Commodore 16 Remake by PJG Developments

The Commodore Plus/4 was my very first computer, many awesome games have been released for this system despite it generally being a flop for Commodore. As well as specific Plus/4 only games, this computer was also capable of playing Commodore 16 games. One of these I fondly remember was “Video Meanies” released by Mastertronic in 1986. PJG Developments are very…

Nox Archaist, New Role Playing Game in Development for A2 Hardware, Mac and PC by 6502 Workshop

Nox Archaist is a new role playing game in development by 6502 Workshop exclusively for the Apple II platform and emulators, with both floppy and hard disk support. Check out the latest mini story using the Nox Archaist engine to demo the newest features in the game: The Nox Archaist story line is still under development. Any names or characters used…