Tag: Vintage Gaming

Latest Protovision Website News

Protovision News Updates.. Sams Journey now available to purchase! Galencia now available! Patreon: Golden Cartridge Editions MAH boxed release coming! RGCD released LuftrauserZ New URL for Protovision Website Website: protovision.games

Protovision taking Pre-Orders for Sam’s Journey, A New Epic Platformer for the Commodore 64!

As you may remember we have been covering the latest News about Sam’s Journey, an epic new platformer for the Commodore 64, since it was first announced way back in 2015. It’s been a long ride but Sam’s Journey is almost here, and Protovision have just announced availability for pre-order! The game comes in various flavours. Sam’s Journey Boxed Disk…

“A Crash Landing Globe Spanning Adventure”

The term “interactive movie” causes gamers of a certain vintage to immediately adopt the fetal position and rock incessantly at flashbacks of terrible voice acting, endless cut scenes and letterbox window videos strewn with artefacts and extreme levels of compression.  Shortly before the CD-ROM format landed and opened the doors to this new frontier however, the interactive movie is what the…

Unboxing and review of Cinemaware Retro’s Limited Edition release of “Defender Of The Crown” for the ZX Spectrum

  Andrew Fisher, one of the editors of Scene World Magazine did an unboxing and review of Cinemaware Retro’s Limited Edition release of “Defender Of The Crown” for the ZX Spectrum. Watch it on our YouTube channel: http://scene.world/Spectrdfcrwn

Have You Always Wanted to Play “Fix-It Felix Jr.” from the Movie “Wreck-It Ralph”? Well Now You Can!

I’m sure you all remember “Wreck-It Ralph“, a Disney movie that was released way back in 2012. Ralph was the bad guy in an Arcade game titled “Fix-It Felix Jr.” which was in the Movie. Many fans after watching this movie, wished that one day someone would make the fictional game “Fix-It Felix Jr.” into a real working game. There have been a few people…

Can you use a Commodore 64 as a daily driver in 2016? I think yes (Article by Kirkwood Rietveld)

With the Christmas season quickly approaching I thought I would use the deals on hardware components to try to upgrade my current desktop. Upon shifting through the various hardware websites advertising dozens of various CPU’s, GPU’s, and enough cases to make my head spin, I soon began to miss the days before 6700Ks and 1070 SLI, and reminisce about a…

Bomb Jack DX, C64 Arcade Port, beta 3 Video and Exclusive News Updates!

Our good friend Retrofan over at Forum64, contacted us this evening and has sent over some fantastic Exclusive News! about the eagerly anticipated ‘Bomb Jack DX’, an Arcade port for the Commodore 64. Retrofan has uploaded a new Beta 3 video to his YouTube channel and as you can see, the game is coming along nicely. First thing you will notice, beta3 has some amazing new…

Commodore 64 CSDb Scene Release Updates!

Latest releases over at CSDb are as follows: Dodo V0.9, Onward Ride, Cat Barf, Refugee Story, Burner, Entry, Smiley, Rad, Matala Haerpaeke!, Thermos!, Back To The…, Hätä, Oetoekkae, Close Enough, Sini Is My Biaatch, Rrakkauteni, 9, Vectordreams, Kikkeli, This, Sami Hedberg -darra, Pandora’s Slate, SYS1024, LISP 128, Old Skool Intro, Oldskool Cylon, Galza-25 (C64 Edition), Carrier-Bourne Fighter Simulation &D, The…

WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 3 Update – The Worlds Greatest Amiga Emulator!

Toni Wilen has released WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 3. (beta 2 must of been released fast as we didn’t even notice!) WinUAE is currently the best Amiga emulation available to date and if used alongside Classic Workbench and WHDLoad you can achieve a really great Amiga hard drive experience like the picture above. Download from the link below and don’t forget to…

WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 1 Update – The Worlds Greatest Amiga Emulator!

Toni Wilen has released WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 1. WinUAE is currently the best Amiga emulation available to date and if used alongside Classic Workbench and WHDLoad you can achieve a really great Amiga hard drive experience like the picture above. Download from the link below and don’t forget to check all the new features in the release notes link, have fun!…