Tag: 128k

In the Walls of Eryx, New Speccy Action/Puzzle Game by Kevin McGrorty

“In the Walls of Eryx” is a brand new game for the 128k ZX-Spectrum by Monster’s Legs Productions, using Jonathan Cauldwell’s Arcade Game Designer. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and Kenneth J Sterling’s short story (with the kind permission of Arkham House), the game follows the adventures of Private Stansfield after he crash-lands in the Erycinian Highlands of Venus and combs…

Crappy Crates, New Spectrum Puzzle Game by The Death Squad

Crappy Crates is a new Christmas game by Death Squad for the ZX Spectrum 48/128/Vega/Next. You have been placed on another MWA. This time you have to stack crates laden with Christmas crap into the designated pick up areas. Various creatures are out to make your life a misery, and a filthy old pervert dressed as Father Christmas has took…

Saboteur! 2 – ZX Spectrum 128k beta release!

Most of you that know me, will know that I am an avid Commodore fangirl, with much knowledge of everything Commodore. This might be why I decided to create the website Commodore is Awesome! However Commodore isn’t my only Forté and I have a great love for many other Retrogame formats including Amstrad, Acorn and the Sinclair Machines. One particular…

ZX Spectrum – The Hobbit 128K edition

Kayamon from the World Of Spectrum forums has released a long awaited game for the ZX Spectrum 128. The Hobbit 128K edition! Featuring: Mick Farrow’s fabulous new loading screen. The slow old vector-based artwork has been replaced by 55 new bitmap screens, ported from the C64, BBC, and DOS disk versions. Many thanks to the efforts of the numerous WoS…

Vade Retro by Retroworks

[youtube 0jg5piYOvHY nolink] It’s time for a new game from Retroworks!A sad blacksmith who dreamt about achieving the glory as a knight and wasn’t recognized as such. A dark wizard who fled vowing revenge and has returned again. Forces of evil becoming part of the strife, which Eshur must face to put an end to Delcram. Finding the seals of…

Spectaculator Android/iOS Updates!

New versions of Spectaculator are now available on Google Play (v2.1) and the App Store (v6.1). The Android version has been updated to the same set officially licensed ZX Spectrum games as the iOS version. New games added Finders Keepers Spellbound Knight Tyme Stormbringer Android: Google Play (v2.1) iOS: App Store (v6.1)Windows: spectaculator80.msi Website: http://www.spectaculator.com