Tag: 1541U-II Plus

New FPGA C64 mainboards to be produced by 1541 Ultimate

1541 Ultimate has just announced their intention to produce the Ultimate-64 – a re-implemented mainboard for the Commodore 64 computer. It features a complete FPGA implementation of a C64, including an Ultimate II+, and a socket for a real SID chip! The board is already capable of running some demos and will be software-upgradable to reach maximum compatibility as time…

New Firmware Released for 1541U-II and 1541U-II Plus Devices

Gideon has released a new firmware for the 1541U-II PLUS device 1541U-II PLUS V3.1 R474. Based on this markusC64 has build and released an unofficial firmware with extra functionality based on Gideon’s official release 3.1 R474, archive 1541U-II(+) 3.1 R475 compiled by me includes builds for the regular 1541U-II and the 1541U-II Plus, including update instructions. r474 | gideonz | 2017-03-21…