Tag: acrylic housings

Commodore 64 Acrylic Housing Update!

We have just been informed by Lichmichel where to buy this wonderful custom Commodore 64 casing. The price is 70,00 €, and you can place your order over at the Plexilaser Shop website right now! Buy it here: http://www.plexilaser.de

Commodore 64 Acrylic Housing

Lichtmichel is developing a small series of acrylic housings for the Commodore 64. You can add LED lighting and choose your own design of ventilation openings. The housing will be laser cut from acrylic and is made for the ASSY 250469 motherboard. Custom designs for other motherboards are possible.Forum64 Thread: http://www.forum64.deForum64 More Images: http://www.forum64.de