Tag: Adrian Cummings

DeltaStar Earth Defense to launch July 27th for Spectrum Next!

With anticipation of the final delivery of the cased edition of the Spectrum Next starting to gather pace, gamers will be pleased to learn that they should have a selection of titles available to play when the machine finally launches. In a recent update to the Software Amusements website, Adrian Cumming’s Galaga-inspired retro shoot ’em up, DeltaStar Earth Defence, looks set…

Dungeonette, Delta Star, Montana Mike, Baggers in Space!, Here Come the Next Games!

Today I have some exciting Gaming News regarding the ZX Spectrum Next. You may already be aware that Dungeonette by Adrian Cummings has been released. I secured my copy a few days ago and I must say it is a fantastic game – highly recommend that you purchase it! You can still play the game even without a ZX Spectrum Next…

Dungeonette, The Very First ZX Spectrum Next Game, Now Available to Purchase as Digital Download & Physical Boxed Edition!

Fans of the eagerly awaited ZX Spectrum Next will be excited to learn that the very first commercial game for the ‘Next’ generation of Spectrum has launched and is now available for purchase over at softwareamusements.com. Viewed from a top-down perspective, Adrian Cummings Dungeonette bares the hallmark of all good dungeon crawlers, requiring the player to tackle an increasingly deadly…