Tag: Antoine Gohin

Twin Dragons NES Kickstarter Smashes Target with 14 Days left!

We have some more Kickstarter News today and it’s not about the Next! Antoine Gohin (glutock) contacted us a few days ago to let us know that his Kickstarter project for “Twin Dragons” has started. We are very pleased to announce to the world that so far the project has reached a whopping €17,478 pledged of an €8,000 goal! But it’s not…

Twin Dragons NES Demo for the NesDev Compo 2016 Released!

We just had some fantastic exclusive News in our inbox today! Antoine Gohin (glutock), creator of Twin Dragons Demo for the NES, just announced that the nesdev compo 2016 demo version has been released! You can download the rom from the link below. Many thanks for the heads up Antoine. :) Download: Twin-Dragons-20170131-0.074.nes Original Post: vitno.org Forum Thread: nintendoage.com