Tag: Gamedev
Fans of drmortalwombat‘s charming Plants vs. Zombies-inspired C64 game, Veggies vs. Undead, can now delve into its secrets! The source code is officially available on GitHub, offering a unique opportunity to dissect the inner workings of this tower defence gem. Link: https://github.com/drmortalwombat/zombies
Fans of the classic Shoot-‘Em-Up Construction Kit (SEUCK) will be pleased with Version 1.7 of the SEUCK Title Screen Maker by prolific C64 developer @Richard_of_TND. This update tackles crucial bugs, adds support for multi-track music, and introduces a new end screen maker. Key Improvements: The Shoot-‘Em-Up Construction Kit was an essential purchase for wannabe game makers like myself when it…
Wolfcastle McBain is a new ZX Spectrum homebrew game inspired by The Simpsons character Rainier Luftwaffe Wolfcastle, an Austrian, musclebound action movie star and a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The game is made with the La Churrera Engine (Mojon Twins), and puts you in control of McBain, blasting away enemies in a top down view, similar to Into the Eagles…