High Voltage TED Collection (HVTC) is an attempt to create a pure TED collection. (Music for the Commodore C16, 116 and the Plus/4.) Created from the cleanest code that generates the music and archives it in a structured format. Currently there are 578 tunes available in the database. Download: hvtc_20171211.zip Website: plus4world.powweb.com
High Voltage TED Collection (HVTC) is an attempt to create a pure TED collection. (Music for the Commodore C16, 116 and the Plus/4.) Created from the cleanest code that generates the music and archives it in a structured format. Currently there are 519 tunes available in the database. [youtube lE9ZZK6ISPk nolink] Download: hvtc_20151011.zip Website: plus4world.powweb.com
May 17, 2015
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Posted in Commodore 16, Commodore News, Commodore Plus/4, News, Scene News