Tag: N64

ROMhacking.net Latest Updates

Latest updates over at romhacking.net are as follows: DuckTales 2 – Two Players Hack Mod 1-player game to support 2-players game simultaneously. Second player is Darkwing Duck! New in version 1.4a (31 Jan 2017): Select for 1 player or 2 players game. 1 player game matches original. Game slowdowns reduced. Improved sprites showing on hardware/with sprite limit enabled. Many bugs…

FreezeME – Nintendo 64 Style 3D Platformer Greenlit by the Community!

FreezeME is a 3D platformer deliberately designed to resemble platformers from the Nintendo 64 era.The main distinguishing mechanic is that the protagonist “R” can take pictures and “freeze” for a short period of time enemies and objects, generating new and interesting gameplay situations. “R” is hot on the trail of her best friend, “M,” who has been kidnapped by the…

Wario in LoZ: Ocarina of Time Rom Hack

Here we have another Nintendo 64 rom hack which is very similar to the Waluigi in LoZ hack, except this time russmarrs2 modded Wario into the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Debug rom which has some different plugin settings to play on. You can download the patched rom in the link below, have fun! [youtube gFoMsxuCnTE nolink] Download: WarioOfTime.Z64Download:…

Waluigi in LoZ: Ocarina of Time Rom Hack

Waluigi in LoZ is a fan-made rom hack starring Waluigi, by modder russmars2. While not necessarily new News, our main focus on Vintage is the New Old is about Retro Gaming. We thought it would be a great idea to also post some older news that people may have missed or forgot about and what better way to start this off…