Tag: OS4
Koules is an AmigaOS 3.5+ port of Koules 1.4, a popular Arcade game. In the game, the Koules have used up all their resources on their home planet. Their leader “Dark Apple Polisher” wants to take over the earth to get more supplies. You must fight against the Koules to save the earth! Features: 1-5 players, sound, triple keyboard and…
Hyperion Entertainment released an update for the OS4 Software Development Kit (SDK). Changes in this version are: New components: btree.library, diffview.gadget, diskio.library, z.library and graphics.library. Extended memory > 4GB. Next generation menu system and improvements for dos.library API and console.device API. Website: http://waw.hyperion-entertainment.com
Chocolate-doom is a project that makes it possible to play the original MS-DOS game Doom on modern computers. The aims of this project are: To be as accurate as possible to the original game. 100% free and open-source. And make versions for as many different operating systems as possible. Version 2.2.0 of the AmigaOS 4 version is now available. Website:…
AmiCraft is a Minecraft like game for AmigaOS 4.x. The changes in this version are: The Edge of world works now without crash. Added: Much larger world, different biomes, chests, furnaces, ladders, iron ore, iron tools, stone bricks, steak, blocks with gravity (sand and gravel) and random block ticks. Website: http://www.os4depot.net
[youtube lmkO_wUNEdM nolink] Amicraft is being developed by Simon Keogh for the AmigaOS4, but it looks pretty impressive already, very close to the original in gameplay, though with rougher graphics. For instance, there’s no player arm reaching out to break things or hold onto a pickaxe. Mined items fall as flat panels rather than cubes. In addition, the zombies, a…
VoR is a quick action game where you drive a space ship and try to avoid crashing into rocks. The game is developed by Jason Woofenden and Josh Grams and is available for AROS, AmigaOS 4, Linux and Windows. The game has a normal and easy mode, pause and a full screen mode. Website: http://sametwice.com/vor
Abbaye des Morts is a game for AROS that takes place in the 13th century. In this game you are Jean Raymond and you live inside an old church in France. The goal is to collect all the golden crosses and all the parchments, then the golden graal and then the red parchment. Website: http://www.os4depot.net