Finally, it has arrived!

I’m very excited! Today, I received my Commodore 64C fully equipped with a 1702 monitor and a 1541 disk drive! I’ll be posting my findings and experiences about this amazing computer that everybody is talking about!

Yes, the monitor and the disk drive is still the older models, but who cares! They work perfectly and actually look nice besides my VIC-2o:



It is incredible! The 80’s are really an exciting time, with all those personal computers getting cheaper and cheaper, reaching millions of new users. This is what actually motivated me to write this Blog (Note to myself: register the name “Blog” – it seems it will stick!) and share what I’m learning. I’m no expert, so it will be interesting hear from you, and learn from your experiences as well.

Author: Paulo
Site co-founder, Slack admin, web admin and fan of tinkering with BASIC and assembly language for old machines.

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