Abbaye des morts, Dreamcast Port From BudGames Coming Soon!

Abbaye des morts has appeared on a few platforms now, ZX Spectrum, Windows PC, Sega Megadrive, Amiga OS4 and you will pleased to know that the game is coming to one of my favourite game consoles of all time, the Sega Dreamcast. @budgames on Twitter announced the good News with just a small teaser tweet. Twitter is a great place to share upcoming Retro Game releases, it’s an abundance of information and as you all know we are very active on Twitter with both of our accounts @VintageNewOld and @CommodoreBlog, regularly interacting with you all, chatting about your Retro Stories, Commodore, Retro Games, Indie Games and the latest Retro Gaming News. Check out the tweet below, also we have included a demo version of the game, which you can download and play on your Dreamcast! Altogether now… Seeeeeggaaaaaaa! ;-)

Download: adm_000.7z
Source: Twitter,,

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

4 thoughts on “Abbaye des morts, Dreamcast Port From BudGames Coming Soon!

  1. I was going to join as an editor but I’m worried that with so many similar articles appearing on Facebook and then here, I might get into trouble… How does one become a writer for vintage, sorry my english is bad

    1. Eric, the homebrew scene is very active with many releases for retro computers and consoles, including the Dreamcast. Even our old friend the Atari 2600 gets new games on cartridge in 2018!

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