After all the awesome ZX Spectrum releases lately, you would think it would slow down a bit, but no, they just keep coming! Today we have more Retro News about the third instalment of Jane Jelly titled, “The Adventures of Jane Jelly, The Egg Diamond” which is an Action Arcade Adventure for the ZX Spectrum 48k and 128k.
Jane Jelly decides to try her luck at becoming a successful treasure hunter. In her first mission, Jane found and brought the treasure of Zedlin to Jonathan A. G. Dwell, an old acquaintance of her father. Then Jonathan sent her to the Forest of Hotmarmalade to seek it’s treasure, after much searching, Jane completed her second mission and now she is on her way to Badass Guy Island to find the elusive Egg Diamond! The third game features 21 screens, new polished graphics, with awesome music by Yerzmyey (128K Only).
We highly recommend you grab a cuppa, load up the game and get searching for treasure on your Speccy!