Pink Pills, Sebastian Braunert’s New Amstrad Platformer Released!

Sebastian Braunert’s new Amstrad platformer has been released. First announced on Facebook November 2017, Pink Pills is a charming platformer featuring a very cute looking dog called Moritz. The game features some well known tunes from the 80’s and also a fantastic rendition of the Beatles “Yellow Submarine”.

Here, in his own words, Sebastian describes an overview of the game:

Good old Moritz, best dog in the world is in the pet clinic. He gets lots of pills and injections. As a result he has illusions and strange dreams: About his hunt for bones, hunted himself by crazy postmen, bloodsucking vampires etc. When he has collected all bones, he has to meet “THE DOCTOR” in the tardis. Will Moritz find his way out and enjoy a “HAPPY END”? It is our first try on the CPC and we loved to make the game colourful. May the coloured bones be with you!

For those of you that are not aware, Sebastian is also the creator of the awesome Mike the Guitar game which was released earlier this year. We have some more good news regarding a sequel. Sebastian recently told me today that Mike the Guitar 2 for Amstrad CPC is nearly complete with just music by “Shining” to be added, then the game will be released. Stay Tuned!

Code: Sebastian Braunert, Kees van Oss
Graphics: Uwe Geiken
Music: Shining
Download: Pink Pills
Download: Mike the Guitar

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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