One my favourite game genres of all time is the real-time strategy – there’s something endlessly fascinating – not to mention satisfying – about amassing groups of soldiers, then dispatching them to do battle with an opposing force, watching the ensuing explosions and chaos unfold to a soundtrack of thumping music, accompanied by a cacophony of explosions and blood-curdling screams.
Thanks to titles like Command & Conquer (Westwood Studios) and Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (Blizzard Entertainment), the genre had well and truly hit it’s stride by the mid ’90s, with rival studios looking to carve themselves a piece of a lucrative and popular section of the video games market.
Development Hell
One particular RTS game to emerge during the height of the genre’s popularity was Z, a game developed by veterans of the Commodore Amiga and respected UK development outfit, The Bitmap Brothers.
Although the studio’s games had always been available on the PC, Z would be the first time that the studio had written a game with the PC as the lead platform. The development took far longer than it should have, spanning almost half a decade to complete, with many losing hope that it would ever see the light of day.
The mid 90’s proved to be problematic for many studios caught in the midst of an industry with rapidly improving hardware and software, and trying to develop games that kept pace with the advancing technology would be an up-hill struggle.
In an interview with The Centre for Computing History, Mike Montgomery, the managing director and programmer for the studio observed that by the end of the 18-month development cycle the proliferation of CD-ROM meant that publishers not only expected games to ship on CD, but that the disc had to be filled with content.
As was typical at the time, the decision was taken to use the extra capacity of the disc with full motion video and audio; it was a decision that prolonged the development by a considerable margin, and at substantial expense to the company.
It took us about two and a half years, and in that time CDs [had] come out. So all of a sudden, they [the publisher] said that now the CD’s out you’ve got to fill it … but the game only runs on one floppy!
Mike Montgomery, interview with The Centre for Computing History (2014)
The end result of this process was the story-line featuring robotic stoners Allan and Brad, as well as their overbearing military commander, General Zod. These cut-scenes bookend each of the game’s 20 missions, showing the adventures of the robots as they ferry supplies between various battle zones; it lends the game a wonderfully silly and immature sense of humour that, without it’s inclusion, would have resulted in something more bland and far less appealing.
The game would finally hit retail in August 1996 for MS-DOS PCs, with a revised version – Z 95 – for Microsoft’s recently-released Windows 95 operating system the same year.

The Game
As with other RTS titles, the core gameplay in Z involves two opposing armies – a bunch of blue and red robots in this case – blowing each other to pieces in a fight to death. Players construct a series of military units from various factories and installations, then issue orders for them to proceed to locations on the in-game map, fighting opposing units along the way.
Lacking the narrative story-line of Command & Conquer or Warcraft, the primary objective of each mission is simply to eliminate your opponent by any means necessary.
This can be achieved either through the destruction of all enemy units, or by destroying the opponent’s fort, a well-defended base of operations situated at the opposite end of the map.
Although the fort can be destroyed using the tried and tested means of pounding it with artillery and explosives, a swifter victory can be achieved by simply walking (or driving) any of your units through the front door. Despite having superior numbers, many an opponent has been brought down by a sneak attack against the fort by a canny opponent.
Each map is divided into a series of interconnected territories, whose boundaries are indicated by dotted lines running vertically and horizontally across the main game screen. Territories can contain factories and other military assets, each of which confer a substantial tactical bonus upon the current owner.
The topography of the maps is completely flat, the terrain is bisected by tarmac roads, which confer a travel speed bonus to units travelling along it’s stretch. Units in combat generally fair better when on roads when compared to opponents off the beaten track since they’re more agile and able to turn quicker, something that budding armchair generals should keep in mind.
In addition to acquisition of factories, each territory held reduces the length of time required to build units in each of your factories – simply put, the player with the most territories can get more units on the battlefield faster.

More advanced facilities are able to produce heavier ordnance, although the more powerful units will take longer to construct. It might make more strategic sense to build lower-powered vehicle and get it on the field for an advantage in the short-term, rather than risk being overrun while waiting for a heavy tank or missile launcher.
While tanks and jeeps form the backbone of your forces, squads of robotic infantry prove equally important to your success, affording a range of strategic advantages not available to their vehicular counterparts. Not only do they provide a distraction to prevent the AI from focusing fire on your tanks, they can also ford rivers and commandeer empty vehicles or turrets. The driver’s innate accuracy and combat proficiency is transferred directly to the vehicle they’re driving, so installing a more advanced robot results in a more effective vehicle.
The game also features a variety of gun turrets that act as an effective line of defence against enemy troops. Despite being rooted to the spot once placed, these emplacements generally take less time to construct than their mobile counterparts, and can, with effective positioning, make it incredibly difficult to deliver the coup de grâce against an opponent’s fort.
Your task is made all the more difficult thanks to the CPU-controlled opponent, a surprisingly adept adversary that is rarely complacent enough to stand idly by and let you trample all over it.

Instead, the AI will dispatch it’s own robots to capture territories and commandeer vehicles to bolster it’s own forces from the outset of each match, and it will constantly attempt to steal territories out from under your nose, as well as make a general nuisance of itself.
The process of juggling unit orders, queuing factory production and micromanaging troops in battle becomes increasingly difficult for human players as the game progresses, and each mission will take many attempts before you find the correct strategy.
Unlike similar games where the outcome of a battle is determined by who has the most units, things are less clear cut when it comes to Z. Vehicle pilots will attempt to avoid incoming fire, quickly reversing (or advancing) to avoid shells and other projectiles. While a heavy tank will usually flatten one of it’s lighter variants, the avoidance mechanic can result in victory for the weaker unit, and a massive upset for the player convinced that their superior firepower would assure victory.
Further upsets are possible, thanks to collateral damage caused by flying debris and shrapnel from exploding vehicles, not to mention that, despite being surrounded by several inches of armour plating, drivers can be shot out of their vehicles, allowing an opponent to capture them. The tide of the battle can turn in an instant when ceding control of a heavy tank or howitzer to an opponent, something that proves to be exhilarating and frustrating in equal measure.
The game also features destructible terrain, allowing robots and vehicles with explosives to blast tunnels through rock faces, providing access to parts of the map that would otherwise require a significant and time consuming diversion.
Before moving on, it’s worth noting that the game also includes a multiplayer mode by way of direct serial or IPX network connections. Players can choose to compete in a series of battles on various terrain types from the single-player game, which would have added a fair amount of value to the product. Unfortunately, this was a time before internet gaming was commonplace, and the lack of an internet or TCP/IP option would have ruled this out for many households.

Critical Reception
Despite a broadly positive reception from the gaming press, my personal experience at the time was that, as a real-time strategy game, Z felt more demanding of the player than some of it’s rivals. The fact that the game omitted base building – one of my favourite aspects of the genre – only served to prejudice me further.
Neither was I willing to put in effort required to master the mechanics required to beat the game, not put up with the punishments meted out by the unforgiving AI.
This sentiment was echoed by PC Gamer UK, the magazine that I subscribed to at the time, which awarded the game 77% in it’s September 1996 issue. Although a broadly positive review, it criticised the game for being too basic when compared to it’s peers, and bemoaned the punishing difficulty level:
The territorial system of building units makes it much harder to recover from a couple of quick defeats … the system effectively penalises you twice for every mistake, and frequently leads to rapid catastrophic collapses in your situation.
James Flynn, PC Gamer UK (September ’96)
The final verdict summed up my own attitude to the game at the time of release, stating that while a decent enough game in isolation, it paled in comparison to Warcraft II and other titles.
Having struggled to make it past the fourth mission with little success, I gave up and never bothered to go back.

A Second Chance
They say that everybody deserves a second chance, which is usually just as well, for what is retro gaming if not about giving the player the chance to chance to reaffirm, or disavow long-held opinions about a particular title?
Having gone back and recently completed the game, I will readily admit that my initial dislike of the game was unwarranted. As I discovered when I covered Syndicate Wars in a previous article, the passing years mean that I no longer simply give up at the first hurdle, which is just as well – if you were like me and threw in the towel too early it’s possible that you missed out on a great RTS experience.
Yes – the game is incredibly tough at times, and does suffer from some annoying niggles that should have been ironed out as part of that four-year development cycle, particularly the way that the game forces you to re-select a unit group after an issuing order, or the fact that the camera shifts focus to a bunch of units you selected via keyboard shortcut, making it difficult to issue orders to distant locations efficiently.
Give it time, however, and the positive aspects of Z‘s paired-back, “RTS-lite” approach begin to make sense.
To truly appreciate the game, let us examine briefly other games in the genre, specifically Command & Conquer by Westwood Studios, and Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.

Both games adhered to the then-standard template involving the harvesting of resources to fund the creation of buildings and combat units, with players attempting to annex resources for themselves whilst harassing their opponent’s supply lines.
The problem with this model, however, is that there’s no real impetus for players to attack each other, at least not until one has amassed an army of such indomitable might that it’s possible to completely steamroller your opponent. As engrossing as it might have been to agonise over the layout of your base and feel a warm sense of satisfaction as your stockpile of troops increased, the “turtling” strategy could often lead to a protracted, not to mention boring stalemate, with players sending waves of troops to crash ineffectually against their opponent’s defences.
By contrast, Z‘s decision to eschew the base-building and resource management aspects results in a game that feels considerably faster-paced than it’s rivals.
With the emphasis squarely on territorial control to fund the creation of units, the game forces players into conflict much sooner, helping to prevent games from stagnating. Even the most challenging of levels can be beaten inside 30 minutes or so, and, had the game been released today, it might even have made for a decent title to feature in the e-sports arena.

I suppose that my change of heart can be attributed in part to the fact that there has been a paradigm shift in recent times, with many modern RTS games – Dawn of War II, World in Conflict, Company of Heroes – lacking resource management or base building elements. Even those that continue to include resources tend to involve sending troops to capture and hold resource nodes in contested hot-spots, resulting in faster-paced gameplay than the strategy games of old.
Whether The Bitmap Brothers were simply ahead of the curve when they designed Z, or simply a case of fortuitous circumstance, Z‘s streamlined RTS experience now compares very favourably to many modern titles, particularly for gamers with busy lives who fancy a quick skirmish or two, rather than two-hour endurance test!
All of this is helped considerably by the wonderful 2D sprite-based artwork present in the game, acting as a reminder that pixel artwork could still look stunning, even in an age when many games were transitioning to 3D. The attention to detail in the vehicle artwork and animations is truly excellent, complete with moving tank tracks, not to mention the way the driver will flip the hatch and peer out.
Then there’s the near-constant radio chatter from your troops, who update you with their current state with speech samples to confirm orders, as well as screaming in panic when under attack.
Furthermore, these ‘bots are all too ready draw your attention to the fact you’re losing, admonishing your ineptitude with a series of scathing remarks. It’s these performances, combined with the amusing FMV sequences, that give the game a sense of humour that really sets it apart from the comparatively sombre experiences of similar titles.

While a sequel – Z: Steel Soldiers – was eventually released in 2001, the switch to 3D graphics resulted in something that, at least in my opinion, lacked much of it’s predecessor’s charm. It received a lukewarm reception from magazines and review sites, and pretty much disappeared without trace.
This is in stark contrast, however, to the original game, which continues to enjoy a surprising level of support
Such was the level of engagement when I put out a random tweet regarding the game a few weeks ago that I realised that Z must surely have been a much bigger deal than I anticipated; it was this reaction that inspired me to go back and play the game from start to finish, the result of which I’m in the process of publishing over on my YouTube channel.
If you’re among those with fond memories for the game and miss that smell of rocket fuel in the morning, then there are various ways in which you can continue to enjoy Z today.
For the purists out there, the original MS-DOS version of the game works flawlessly under DosBox, including the SVGA graphics mode. Factor in Roland MT-32 support via Munt and you have the version which, in my opinion, still looks and sounds the best.
If you’re looking for something plug-and-play, then an updated version of the game was developed and released in 2014 by TickTock Games for modern builds of Windows, as well as iOS and Android devices. This edition largely retains the look and feel of the original, and is available for purchase via Steam and GOG platforms for the price of £5 – £6. Unfortunately, this edition lacks any multiplayer support, leaving you with just the single player campaign.
Finally, we have The Zod Engine, an open source reworking of the original game, including graphical assets, music and audio effects – it’s a remarkably accomplished effort, although gameplay doesn’t feel quite the same as the original.
However, the developer went to the trouble of building in proper online multiplayer support. Not only does this mean that this is the only convenient way to play Z against friends today, it serves as a reminder to how fondly the game is remembered.
Z might not be the best RTS ever made, but with it’s quirky sense of humour and quick-fire attitude, it doesn’t need to be, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I remember seeing Z back in the day on a friend’s PC. Not having one, I never got to actually play it, but even so, it made quite an impression. That was a unique game!
On the other hand, while I agree with you about the way things tended to go in Warcraft 1, the slower pace was much more to my liking. And the tension of building up a village+army under constant attacks by the AI made it all the more rewarding when you got to the steamrolling part.
Z still has active community, people are making new versions of this game, playing multi and the game still feels fresh, cool and challenges player. I’m sure it’s a classic among many gamers… we just need remastered version (not that mobile, but a real one).
Hello, can you please please provide a link to the updated version of this game.
Hi Calvin, I am not sure what version is, but Good Old Games has it available.