It’s been a long time.. We no longer post News about WinUAE beta releases as they happen so often now, but I still think it is worth, from time to time, to post about this great Amiga emulator since the retro-community is always getting newcomers that might not even know this emulation option exists.
So here there is: WinUAE version 4.1.0 has been released with a massive list of new features and bug-fixes. Here are some highlights:
- PC Bridgeboard (A1060 Sidecar, A2088, A2088T, A2286 and A2386SX) emulation rewrite using the PCem as new core;
- Sound Blaster emulation (PCem, various models)
- AGA hires/superhires horizontal pixel positioning and borderblank horizontal single hires pixel offset fully emulated.
- 68030 MMU emulation compatibility improved
- New emulated hardware: CSA Twelwe Gauge (A1200 68030 accelerator + SCSI controller) and AccessX/Acetec IDE controller
Link: WinUAE
Source: EAB – English Amiga Board