Play Angry Birds on the Apple II – For real (but soon)!

Even those who think mobile casual games are a “lesser” category in games have to admit that some titles reserved their places in video game history. One of these is Angry Birds, which not only conquered the mobile world with its clever gameplay and cute graphics but also extended its wings to movies, toys, and whatever you can imagine you can put those birds (and pigs!) on.

Our retro gaming world couldn’t stay out of the multi-year trend, and thanks to Marc Golombeck and Dan Henderson, you can soon play the ubiquitous game on the Apple II! For many months they have been working relentlessly on a challenging port for a machine that has only a fraction of the processing and graphics power of modern smartphones. All the development and tests are taking place on the Call -151 Facebook group, where Marc and Dan show their progress.

I’ve been beta testing it for a while, and I am very impressed with what they managed to put together: a very smooth and fun Angry Birds game using beautiful and colourful blocky characters.

The principle is the same as the original, where you must slingshot the birds to destroy the pigs and their fortifications. You must go through all 25 stages to beat the game, but you can progress even if you fail a level (with a score penalty, of course). Another compromise due to Apple 2’s capacity is what the different birds are capable of. While in the original, you have different abilities, like ultra speed or egg-bombing, on this port, all birds can only use their bodies to destroy the targets. What differentiates them is the amount of damage done to the enemies.

The graphics are another marvel in this game. The developers managed to convey Rovio’s characters in detail, even using a colourful low resolution of the Apple II. The decision to use this resolution gives the game a unique look.

Angry Birds for the Apple II is in its final tests, and it will be soon released. The game will be free to download, but the authors plan a physical edition on 5 1/4″ disks with other perks for about 20 Euros.

You can follow the development and gather more information about the physical copy on the Call -151 Facebook group.

While the game is not available, you can have a taste by watching me play the first few levels:




Author: Paulo Garcia

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