Tag: 1988

Hokuto Force Releases Katakis +6DHFI for the Commodore 64

Hot of the press today is a new crack release from Hokuto Force. Katakis is a side scrolling shooter style arcade game developed for the Commodore 64 by Rainbow Arts in 1987, and converted to the Commodore Amiga by Factor 5 in 1988. It was re-released as Denaris in 1989. The Hokuto Force release contains the following trainers and bug…

Power Drift, Sega, 1988, Mini Arcade Review by Rob Joy

Lets head to the beach for some thrills n’ spills in this action packed racer from Sega. Differing from the many other arcade racers of the time, Power Drift added the choice of which vehicle and indeed which driver to choose for the adrenaline fuelled race. Beach buggies are the auto-mobile of choice, massive wheels, huge tyres with chunky grip…

Splatterhouse, 1988, Namco, Mini Arcade Review by Rob Joy

Survival horror. It certainly was. Taking shelter from the storm, you and your partner find refuge in an abandoned mansion deep within the forest. Safety at last! Safety, lets just consider that feeling for a moment. Out of the elements, a warm fire and hospitable guests, safety. Then let us begin. A scream is heard in the dark from your…

Last Ninja 2 – Konix edition

[youtube EJbB10Z-6fo nolink] Back in January the ‘Games That Weren’t‘ website announced that a copy of Last Ninja 2 on the Konix Multisystem had been found. Fast forward to February and now the GTW team have received an update that one disk of the game has been saved and that now the game is playable on an emulator! An amazing…